Each year Eric Barger travels over 200 days to churches and cities across the U.S. and Canada. Headquartered in the Dallas, Texas area the primary focus of Take A Stand! Ministries is to speak out "live and in person" on the issues of the day that effect us all. Our hope is that while addressing the issues boldly but with grace and mercy that the lost and backslidden will seek the Savior Jesus Christ. Some of the current topics Eric addresses are: - THE NEW AGE MOVEMENT Read Eric Bio and more Information on Seminars Read what Christian Leaders are Saying about Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Seminars |
Emphasis - To teach and challenge the Church, while evangelizing the lost.
Format - Fast moving, multi-visual seminar. Mix of teaching and evangelism. (Visuals are chosen carefully - not for shock value.)
Presentation Selection - Seminars range from a single service / workshop to a crusade style setting, utilizing several evenings.
Content - There are currently 18 different Take A Stand! Seminars. Each seminar covers a particular topic. Though not in seminar format, perhaps the most evangelistic presentation is Eric's Testimony (read it here).
Demographics - Take A Stand! seminars are basically for the entire family.
Scheduling Details
Finances - Eric Barger Ministries and Take A Stand! Seminars operate primarily on a love offering basis plus minimal travel and accommodation expenses.
Promotion - We provide a good promotional package to assist you in making the seminar a success.
To Bring Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Seminars
to your Church or Community - Click Here!
Click here to learn all about Take A Stand! Ministries.
Contact: Eric Barger - POB 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
(214) 289-5244