Take A Stand! Ministries Operation Statement
How do we operate?
Since our founding in 1983 Take A Stand Ministries has been funded solely by friends and supporters who believe in our work.
We depend 100% on love offerings and gifts, large and small alike, each month to sustain this ministry.
Are we NOT beholding to any sort of special interest, either from within the Body of Christ or elsewhere?
It should be noted that we have accepted no corporate funding and have decided to affiliate with no particular denomination. Though we often work hand in hand with denominations, with pastors and churches affiliated to denominations and certainly respect and revere much of their work, our statement of faith is broader than the barriers of many denominations. Therefore, our purpose for existing eclipses the tangible need to be tied to one directly ourselves.
Our reason for this is so that no single donor or denomination can influence any decision made concerning the direction or focus of our public ministry. We believe that the content of Take A Stand! Seminars, as well as the newsletters, articles, tracts, books, video and audio tapes that we produce and the content of www.ericbarger.com on the Internet should be independent of such influence. This is to in no way contradict the Scriptural admonition to seek wise counsel (Prov. 15:22). However, we believe that the ministry as a whole should reflect the direction and mandate we received from the Lord many years ago which could be hampered or altered by the direct influence of any organization bound to peripheral doctrines.
Who are our donors?
We have no single "large" donor that constantly fills in the gaps. Funding this ministry has always been a team effort. The needs of the ministry and of our family are truly met by the combined gifts of those we minister to. We are gratefully indebted to those who have given in the past and praise God for each of you!
Are we "lone rangers"?
We are committed to a local church and pastor in Rockwall, Texas. We also have been blessed by a number of faithful, interested and supportive pastors and lay people, many of whom have served on our ministry board of directors.
I hope this gives many of our new friends a better understanding of who we are and how we operate.
What can YOU do?
We are counting on your support in the days ahead. We are believing that the Lord is going to bring new partners along side to help us accomplish the new things He has for us to do and to continue helping folks in "defending the faith", our mission and goal in life. Click here for a list of ideas.
In particlular, we sincerely NEED your financial support as the Lord leads you. We endevour to use funding wisely and live a lifestyle befitting of the Lord. Many times there seems to be more expenses than income. However, the Lord has been faithful beyond words in meeting the needs. He has confirmed His calling on us time and again as He supplies the needed income through the gifts of His faithful.
We would covet your prayers and financial help in the coming year and would encourage you to join in partnership with us as we continue "Discerning the Times in the Light of the Word".
Because He lives,
Eric Barger
January, 2000
PS: To give a gift using your Visa, MasterCard or Discover card, please click here. To give a gift via personal check please make your check payable to "Take A Stand!" and mail to the address below:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett TX USA 75030