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"I believe Eric is one of the premier Christian Apologists traveling the country today."

- Rev. Bob Fort, Chairman, United Evangelical Churches

"We have invited Eric to speak 17 times since 1987. I highly recommend his ministry."

- Pastor Milton Hubbard

"Eric's articulate presentation of carefully researched information is solidly based in Scripture and life-changing in its impact."

- Pastor Jim Keys

"Over the years we have had Eric at our church many times. We have always found his ministry to be balanced and to the point. He has helped our church stay focused and walk in the will of God."

- Pastor Sam Buckingham

Note: Each week's programs will be added during the weekend.
The latest program will be at the top.


The Deception of Chrislam part 2

Feb 25, 2012 - The Deception of Chrislam part 2
Join Eric Barger as he concludes an interview with Australian based author Bill Muehlenberg of "Culture Watch." The topic again is the growing popularity of the convoluted mix of Islam and Christianity known as "Chrislam." Muehlenberg recounting debating a Muslim Imam and gives some great advice about discerning how to determine what the truth about Islam and Chrislam really is.



The Deception of Chrislam part 1

Feb 18, 2012 - The Deception of Chrislam part 1

Today, there is a growing and increasingly widespread movement inside mainline and Evangelical churches which attempts to join Islam and Christianity. Based on the premise that both religions worship the same deity, "Chrislam" is gaining followers and becoming a favorite among the politically correct. But is the basis of this movement correct? Do the Bible and Qur'an harmonize? Is Allah actually Jehovah God? Why are those claiming to be Evangelicals involved with this misguided idea? Join us for Take A Stand! Radio as Eric Barger begins a new series exposing the dangers of Chrislam. Eric's guest in this episode is author Bill Muehlenberg of "Culture Watch."



His Nature TV with Larry Watts

Feb 11, 2012 - His Nature TV with Larry Watts

Are you interested in the spiritual understanding and safety of the next generation? With so many occult, violent and sexual themes prevalent today our children and teens desperately need answers that refute evolution, humanism and cultic beliefs. Today we're going to introduce you to Larry Watts of His Nature TV. He's a man with a plan, “Leading children to faith then protecting that faith” with exciting and innovative programming aimed at teens, pre-teens, and adults too!



New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 9

Feb 4, 2012 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 9

In this, the last week of the series "Journey Through The New Age," Eric Barger outlines five major cultural shifts that New Agers desire to see and how those five things are actually a fulfillment of end-times Bible prophecy. Then Eric closes the series with three questions nearly every person has asked and how these three crucial areas are dangerously confused in New Age ideology.



New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 8

Jan. 28, 2012 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 8

This week Eric Barger continues interviewing bestselling author, Stephen Mansfield, and plays clips of Oprah Winfrey explaining why she rejected Christianity for New Age spiritualism.



Jan. 21, 2012 - Power outages due to bad weather prohibited us producing a new program this week. The networks and stations replayed part 7 of the series.


New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 7

Jan. 14, 2012 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 7

Continuing the interview with bestselling author, Stephen Mansfield, Eric Barger examines the rise of New Age popularity in our culture, keying on TV host, Oprah Winfrey.



New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 6

Jan. 7, 2012 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 6

Today, the promotion of New Age and Occult themes is all around us. No one has done so more prolifically than has talk show host and media mogul, Oprah Winfrey. In this edition, Eric examines Winfrey's spirituality and includes part one of a recent interview he conducted with New York Times bestselling author, Stephen Mansfield, on his new book, Where Has Oprah Taken Us?



SPECIAL BROADCAST - Eric Barger's Testimony


New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 4

Dec. 17, 2011 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 4

Eric begins an expose' of the five major beliefs of the New Age Movement and correlates them to an important passage of Scripture illustrating that there really is nothing new under the sun. Also in this broadcast are warnings about reincarnation, the misguided idea of "works" salvation or doing good deeds as a means by which to be redeemed. Eric also tells the encouraging story of how his mother both rejected New Age beliefs and received Jesus Christ as Lord many years ago.



New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 3

Dec. 10, 2011 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 3
A mainstay of New Age spiritualism is the practice of mediumship or Necromancy. In this edition of Take A Stand! Radio, Eric recounts how this old occult practice has been "modernized" (renaming it "Trance Channeling") and how the New Age proliferated because of it during the 1960's and '70's. Also exposed are several of the leaders and vehicles Satan has used to capture untold millions over the past 50 years.

As with the cults, Eric warns that now, New Age gurus have changed the words they use in referring to occult practices such as this.



New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 2

Dec. 3, 2011 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 2
Eric begins by explaining some of the avenues that New Age deception has taken as "East moved West" over the past 50 years. An example of this is the wildly popular author and speak, Anthony Robbins who has borrowed from voodoo, eastern mysticism, and Hinduism. As always, the Bible gives clear direction and a real relationship with Jesus Christ is the antidote against the New Age. As Eric states, "New Agers are dying to meet Jesus...they just don't know it! He'll the answer to every need they're looking inside themselves to try and satisfy.



New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 1

Nov. 26, 2011 - New Age Truth or...Old Age Deception? part 1
Eric begins this new series with some startling facts detailing the proliferation of New Age thought and practice in our culture. Every Christian needs to be aware of the mindset which drives millions in our culture - and how to break through the spiritual darkness which is The New Age Movement.



Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? part 3

Nov. 19, 2011 - Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? part 3
In this episode, Eric wraps up the message with a warning of how apostasy creeps in when we ignore the need to be biblically discerning. He concludes with a powerful reminder from the life of King Solomon which highlights the importance of discernment.



Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? part 2

Nov. 12, 2011 - Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? part 2
In this episode, Eric continues an expose' of just some of the many deceptions facing Christians today.



Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? part 1

Nov. 5, 2011 - Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? part 1
This week, Eric Barger begins to summarize the many traps facing modern Christians and outlines the urgent need for believers to understand and utilize biblical apologetics today.



The End-Time Occult Invasion part 4

Oct. 29, 2011 - The End-Time Occult Invasion part 4
This week Eric Barger summarizes the rise and acceptance of the Occult in our culture, warns of the desensitization of it and details the facts about Halloween. Don't miss the advice Eric shares about what Christians should be doing on October 31st.



The End-Time Occult Invasion part 3

Oct. 22, 2011 - The End-Time Occult Invasion part 3
This week Eric Barger discusses the deception of the Occult as it pertains to the media and entertainment world. Eric also interviews his co-author on Entertaining Spirits Unaware, David Benoit.



The End-Time Occult Invasion part 2

Oct. 15, 2011 - The End-Time Occult Invasion part 2
More insight from his book, Entertaining Spirits Unaware, in this episode Eric Barger explains discusses the Harry Potter phenomenon and the unbiblical nature of our culture's perverted criteria for heroes today.



The End-Time Occult Invasion part 1

Oct. 8, 2011 - The End-Time Occult Invasion part 1
Adopted from his book, Entertaining Spirits Unaware, Eric Barger explains the "Nine Forbidden Practices of the Occult" and the biblical implications.
