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Are Mormons Christians? - A Biblical Comparison of Mormon and Christian Doctrine part 2


In this edition of Take A Stand! Radio, Eric Barger focuses in on the general failure of some in Evangelical circles to recognize the doctrinal shortcomings of Mormonism. Furthermore, Eric exposes the outright promotion of the LDS beliefs by some of our most vaunted Christian leaders.

Today, Eric also updates the ongoing dilemma caused by the production of some 30 to 40 Arabic and Turkish editions of the Bible which eliminate phrases like "God the Father" and "God the Son" in an effort to be "Muslim Friendly." Don't miss today's program!


Are Mormons Christians? - A Biblical Comparison of Mormon and Christian Doctrine part 2


Are Mormons Christians? - A Biblical Comparison of Mormon and Christian Doctrine

The Mormon Church has spent multiple millions of dollars on a PR campaign to appear as if they are Christians. But have they abandoned the cultic beliefs of their founder? Have they forsaken The Book of Mormon? Have they really changed at all or have LDS leaders just attempted to amend the public perception of Mormonism?

Don't miss today's program as we examine "Are Mormons Christians?" Drawing from 30 years of research and experience, Eric Barger's first DVD presenting the truth and exposing the flaws that forever separate Mormonism from authentic, biblical Christianity.

-Included in today's program:
Overview of Mormon History
- Joseph Smith & his prophecies examined
- Mormon Jesus vs. the biblical Jesus
- Godhood for mankind?
- Mormonism and “works” salvation
- Can Mormonism redeem a soul?
If not, what is their end?

Eric also brings to light the failings of influential Evangelical leaders, pastors and educators who have waffled on or even endorsed Mormonism as "Christian."

Podcast: Are Mormons Christians? - A Biblical Comparison of Mormon and Christian Doctrine


The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of America

Today, Eric plays portions of the soundtrack from his new DVD presentation "The Rise, Fall and Redemption of America." Along with many powerful insights, inspirational quotes, and many Scriptures, Eric outlines the foundation of America and details the vision that brought forth the country. He notes the overwhelming evidence of God's hand upon America's founders and details how our many freedoms have been blessed and used by God to fund and help spread the Gospel message worldwide. However, those freedoms are not a right, but instead a privilege and cannot be taken for granted. Eric reminds Christians of both our responsibility and the absolute assurance that America will face God's judgment if we continue on the current path of moral and spiritual decay. Don't miss this challenging and also inspirational message!

Podcast: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of America


Failure to Translate part 4

In the compelling final installment of "Failure to Translate," hear David Irvine who, after preparing for over a year to go on the mission field with Wycliffe/SIL, abandoned his quest due to the apparent encroachment of overt postmodern thinking in Wycliffe/SIL management. Also featured is Georges Houssney who has taken his fight for sound Bible translations public with a petition asking Wycliffe and others to cease producing so-called "Muslim friendly" Bibles.

Podcast: Failure to Translate part 4


Failure to Translate part 3

Today, Eric Barger interviews journalist, Emily Belz of World Magazine who has been instrumental in shedding light on the problems and fallout surrounding the controversial "Muslim-Friendly" Bible translations issue. Postmodernism is at the root of this mess and Eric points out that the translators are "translating the Bible to make it friendly to the people we're giving it to - instead of translating the Bible to honor the Word of God and to rightly divide the word of truth."

Podcast: Failure to Translate part 3


Failure to Translate part 2

Eric Barger continues to examine the controversial "Muslim-Friendly" Bible translations issue and also discusses the recent revelation that in spite of Rick Warren's recent denials about his personal beliefs, Saddleback Church appears to have joined with Muslim Leaders in a pack known as "King's Way" based on the incorrect assumption that the Allah of Islam is actually Jehovah, God Almighty.

Podcast: Failure to Translate part 2


Failure to Translate part 1

This week on Take A Stand Radio, Eric Barger dissects the growing controversy of "Muslim-Friendly" Bible translations and examines the great responsibility we have to accurately and boldly present the one true Gospel to those lost in the religion of Islam.

Podcast: Failure to Translate part 1


SPECIAL BROADCAST - Eric Barger's Testimony

Here Eric's inspiring testimony of God's deliverance and freedom from drugs, New Age beliefs, and the seedy lifestyle of the secular rock music industry. This special program will be great to share with non-Christian friends and loved ones. Get the DVD at www.ericbarger.com/tasradio/Eric_Barger_Testimony.64.mp3.

Podcast: SPECIAL BROADCAST - Eric Barger's Testimony


The End-Time Occult Invasion part 4

This week Eric Barger summarizes the rise and acceptance of the Occult in our culture, warns of the desensitization of it and details the facts about Halloween. Don't miss the advice Eric shares about what Christians should be doing on October 31st. Unless the Lord delays His return, it will be back again in just a few months!

For more on this topic or to read chapters from Eric's book, Entertaining Spirits Unaware, visit www.ericbarger.com.

podcast: The End-Time Occult Invasion part 4


The End-Time Occult Invasion part 3

This week Eric Barger discusses the deception of the Occult as it pertains to the media and entertainment world. Eric also interviews his co-author on Entertaining Spirits Unaware, David Benoit.

podcast: The End-Time Occult Invasion part 3