Preparing for Perilous Times
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Eric Barger in Current Events, Eric Barger, Free Speech, Islam, Jan Markell, Podcast, Podcasts, Religious Liberty, Understanding the Times Radio, bible prophecy

Jan Markell spends the hour with her often co-host Eric Barger as we carry his new DVD on preparing for troubled times. We are in the predicted times the Bible says will be “perilous.” Days of chaos could be straight ahead. Would you go through them as victors or victims?  Many believe just trusting the Lord is sufficient but in the Bible, even Joseph “prepared.” Is your church prepared for major trouble? This is practical information to help you be ready should a bad or even worst-case scenario develop in your home town. Find Eric’s new DVD here. We use the mobile app found at

Article originally appeared on Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries (
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