Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 1 - The Authority of the Bible
Friday, September 28, 2012
Eric Barger in Biblical Apologetics, Doctrines of the Faith, Podcast, Podcasts, evolution

Genesis 1:1 states: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

Most Christians would immediately agree with that statement but when challenged, many fall apart and fail to give an accurate defense of the Bible. Tragically, many give up and instead of digging in to find out why we believe what we believe, the Bible and its truths are compromised all because of intimidation and the fear of man.

So, if you’ve perceived the Creation/Evolution debate with trepidation or have seen the Genesis account as a sort of black hole then, Eric Barger, and his guest, Jay Seegert, of the Creation Education Center, have answers for you! Be sure to tune in or download part one of this new series!

Article originally appeared on Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries (http://ericbarger.squarespace.com/).
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