When You Can’t Find a Church
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Eric Barger in Biblical Apologetics, Doctrines of the Faith, Eric Barger, Liberalism, Markell, Podcast, Podcasts, Understanding the Times Radio, bible prophecy

Jan Markell's first guest is Dr. Ed Hindson. They discuss his newest book, Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times. Find it here. Never has Israel been so marginalized, even by America. Then Jan and Eric Barger talk to Dr. Randy White who says even as a Baptist pastor, he would have a hard time finding a church to attend. What has gone wrong and what is the answer to the church dilemma? Visit the Understanding The Times Radio Archives here.

Article originally appeared on Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries (http://ericbarger.squarespace.com/).
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