Eric's Latest Broadcasts on "Understanding the Times"
Eric joins Jan Markell and Jill Martin-Rische as they host a discussion concerning the controversy of Muslim-sensitive Bible translations on "Understanding the Times" Radio 3/10/2012 (Guests: Wycliffe VP Russ Hersman, World Magazine's Emily Belz, David Irvine, and Georges Houssney)
* Bonus Podcast continuing the discussion here
Eric Hosts "Understanding the Times" Radio 2/4/2012 on Answering the Cultists at Your Door (and more!) (Guest: author, Ed Decker)
Eric Hosts "Understanding the Times" Radio 12/17/2011 on The Deception of Chrislam (Guest: author, blogger, Bill Muehlenberg)
Eric Hosts "Understanding the Times" Radio 11/12/2011 on The New Age Movement and the "Oprah Effect" (Guest: New York Times bestselling author, Stephen Mansfield on his book Where Has Oprah Taken Us?)
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