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Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? Part 2

In this episode, Eric continues an expose' of just some of the many deceptions facing Christians today.

Podcast: Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? Part 2


What is a Cult?

What is a Cult?

Often, you hear Evangelical Christians refer to certain groups (such as Mormonism) as "cults". What does that mean? Are they using the term correctly?

It is always valuable to define the terms we use. The word cult means nothing unless it means something. Therefore, in an attempt to clarify rather than cloud the issue, I will try to define the term.

First, we should understand there are two common uses for the word "cult;" a sociological one and a theological one. The word, when used by sociologists, in the newspapers, and by the public in general, normally denotes a group which is led a charismatic leader who holds the membership of the group captive through coercion and manipulation. From this viewpoint, we recall men like the late Jim Jones, who led 900 of his followers to suicidal deaths in Guyana. Or, we think of the late Marshall Applewhite who also led his disciples to suicide in attempt to connect up with a space craft following in the wake of the comet Hale-Bopp.

However, this sociological definition is normally not the definition Evangelical Christians are thinking of when they use the word cult They are thinking of a somewhat different concept. The theological definition of the word used by Evangelicals stems from use of a word in the new Testament that is closely related to our word "sect." In Greek that word and its definition looks like this:

139 hairesis {hah'-ee-res-is}

from 138; TDNT - 1:180,27; n f

AV - sect 5, heresy 4; 9

1) act of taking, capture: e.g. storming a city

2) choosing, choice

3) that which is chosen

4) a body of men following their own tenets (sect or party)

4a) of the Sadducees

4b) of the Pharisees

4c) of the Christians

5) dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims

As you can see, this word is also the root for our word "heresy." Again, in Christian circles, the word heresy is used to describe beliefs which are different from what Christianity has described as "orthodox". And orthodox literal means "correct worship" or "correct doctrine." In other words heresy describes beliefs which are considered to be wrong.

We live in an age when it is nearly always unacceptable to tell people they are wrong about anything. But if a religious system is to exist at all it has to present a system of beliefs which it declares are "right beliefs." Obviously beliefs in contradiction to these "right beliefs" are, by definition, "wrong beliefs."

Normally the word "cult" identifies a subgroup of a larger group. A group which has split off from the older groups, or is in the process of splitting off. However, sometimes the word is used with nearly no negative meaning. When, for example, Catholics speak of the Cult of Mary, they often are not implying anything negative. They are identifying a specific group within the Catholic Church.

In the Bible, when Paul referred to "The cult of the Pharisees," he was not being negative. Paul, of course, disagreed with the Pharisees (often in the strongest of terms), but he was not resorting the name calling. For Paul, the word meant something like "The party of the Pharisees."

Throughout the history of Christianity subgroups have departed from mainstream or orthodox theology to become "heterodox" or "heretical." These are groups which often continue to claim to be essentially Christian, but which were regarded by the mainstream Christian churches as having "departed the faith."

This is the viewpoint orthodox Christians have of groups like Mormonism and the Jehovah's Witnesses. It is not that they are considered evil people; they are considered to be in serious theological error.

The use of the word "cult" should not be abandoned because some people use it in a significantly different way. Of course we should always be careful with the way we use words. And if we feel that people are misunderstanding our use of certain words, we should take the time to explain ourselves.


Jesus paid the cost so we could reach the lost

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart fromthe faith, giving heed to seducing spirits,and doctrines of devils. - I Timothy 4:1

- Matthew 28:19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:Teaching them to obser ve all thingswhatsoever I have commanded you:and, lo, I am with you always, evenunto the end of the world. Amen.

One need not travel half way around the world to find a mission field. It is right in our neighborhoods, often right at our front doors. However, without clear understanding of what God expects of us and some basic training in how to convey His truth to the lost, the effectiveness of our Christian witness will be limited at best.

Now make no mistake; reaching cultists for Christ is no picnic. Witnessing to those caught up in the Cults, New Age Movement and other world religions is not an easy task. Compounding the task, there is a lack of trained workers motivated to delve into the quagmire of cultic beliefs around us.

The bad news is that there are "giants in the land."

But don’t despair.

The good news is that God has the answers IF we are willing to meet the "giants" head on!

We need to remember that unless we are willing to share our faith, others will surely perish - for eternity. The "Great Commission" - the last thing Jesus left us to do in the book of Matthew - is not optional for the Believer.

Our job is to be a voice of love and reason in a lost world through the power and leading of the Holy Spirit! It won’t always be pretty; it won’t always be comfortable; and it won’t always be without confrontation. But it will be worth it!

With no space to discuss each cult, religion or New Age group here let us give some general pointers accompanied by this word of encouragement.

God loves the cultist. He loves those caught in mysticism. He loves the Muslin, Hindu and Buddhist. He desires that none of them perish without Jesus as Savior and Lord. And each of those lost outside Christ are dying to meet him - they just don’t know it yet! And unless we effectively communicate with them they are sure to die without Him!

The Battlefield

Whenever we witness to the lost we must recognize that we are entering a war zone. There are supernatural forces at work wherever and whenever we bring Christian witness. The enemy consistently attacks three main areas:

1) The Identity of God (and Jesus)

2) The Authenticity of Scripture

3) The Need for Salvation Because of Man’s Sin

These are questions you need to have rock solid answers and evidence for before you tread into the battlefield of winning the cults. In other words, don’t attempt fighting the battle for those lost in the cults, New Age and world religions without the solid foundation of knowing what you believe and why you believe it.

For example, with nearly every aberrant group or religion the attempt is made to humanize God, deify man, minimize sin, and separate you from the authority of Holy Scripture. The last is often done by adding to the Bible, that group’s own created scripture of higher authority, usually given by mystical means to that group’s spiritual leader. They will also make every effort to convince you that salvation is only available through that group and its special plan for your step into eternity.

1) Know What You Believe and Be in a Strong Relationship with God.

As we’ve mentioned, knowing what you believe and being well grounded in your faith is a must for witnessing to the cults. But it’s just not for their good that we reiterate this. It is for yours as well.

Recognize that though your intention is to win the New Ager or cultist to the Lord, their intention is to win you as well. Just how many Christians, ignorant of God’s word and without spiritual covering and protection, are derailed in their faith because of the cults, we don’t know. But we believe the figures would come as a shock. Being spiritually prepared for such encounters is a must so that you are not shaken in your faith and drawn into error.

Remember the old adage that if you know the real thing, counterfeits are easy to spot.

2) Understand What You Are Dealing With.

Having a working knowledge of the beliefs, structure and errors of a particular cult or New Age group will help you dialog with those lost in it.

This does not mean that you need to become an "expert" on any specific cult (unless God has called you to an apologetics ministry) but some knowledge will help greatly. Just telling a cultist that Jesus loves them will not dent the shell Satan has constructed around them. Slamming the door in their face or telling them they are doomed to Hell certainly won’t communicate Christ to them either.

Attacking cult leaders or sages may alienate those you are witnessing to as well. For example Joseph Smith, Mormonism’s founder, was indeed a false prophet and a liar but it is Mormonism that has the stranglehold on a Mormon. Stick with dealing with beliefs, not personalities, at least to start with.

Remember that witnessing to the cults is a vital act of spiritual warfare, one that Satan will defy you in however he can. So, steps one and two here reinforce the importance of knowing your stuff - first about Christianity itself and then secondly, learning to identify cultic beliefs and errors when you are faced with them.

3) Act in the Love of Christ - Be a Friend.

Building a relationship may be the single best way to win a cultist. In long term witnessing strategy this goes a long way. They need to see Jesus living and operating in you. Do this whenever possible and realize that you probably won’t get a died-in-the-wool occultist to repent in the first encounter! However, by being sincere and acting in a Christ-like manner you can make a positive impact in every encounter working toward the goal of seeing he or she set free in Jesus. It’s really true that what you are usually speaks louder than what you say.

Remember that these people are not God’s enemies nor are they ours. Also, they are not just trophies for us to attempt to win. They are people with genuine concerns just like us who are the victims of false teaching.

4) Pray First.

Paul prayed for the Ephesian Church (Ephesians 1:17-19) to have their spiritual eyes opened by the Holy Spirit. How much more must we pray for the lost in the same way? This can happen even as we are actually witnessing and talking with them as we silently pray in our hearts for God to open their eyes!

Remember also to take authority in Jesus’ name, privately praying and binding every deceptive, cultic spirit before each encounter with a cultist.

Pray according to the Bible that the strongman be bound so that his captive can be set free. Pull down those strongholds and cast down vain imaginations and "every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God..." (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Ask for the intervention of the Holy Spirit to draw the cultist to the Cross of Jesus for salvation. Also, solicit the assistance of the prayer group at your church and/or among other believing friends and family.

This bondage can be broken through prayer in the name of Jesus. Many have been set free through the love, intercession and fellowship of committed friends and relatives.

5) Use a Scriptural Basis as You Witness.

This doesn’t mean beat up the cultist with the Bible! This means that while you speak use the concepts found in God’s word. One doesn’t have to quote directly from the Bible (a sure turn off for New Agers) to have the Holy Spirit bring illumination into a darkened heart. Just make certain that your words stay consistent with the Scriptures and watch the Holy Spirit do the rest!

One warning here...avoid using Christian jargon i.e., "Praise the Lord, brother, glory to God! Wouldn’t you like to get saved and delivered from all of those cultic demons?" You can kiss your witnessing opportunity good-bye doing that!

6) Answer all Questions and Objections from Scripture.

But remember you don’t have to answer every question when it’s asked. In fact, your friend will feel a whole lot more comfortable with you if you can’t. You can say, "I don’t know the answer to that, but I’ll find out", or "Let me think about it a little more and I’ll give you an answer the next time I see you." Then, find the answer, be sure you understand it and bring it back!

If possible, try and arrange a meeting to introduce the cultist or New Ager with others who have been set free from the cults. This will encourage them that there is life and hope after leaving a cult.

Perhaps study the Bible together. God’s word will prompt you on what to say and when to say it as well. Remember that the word of God is the power unto salvation (Romans 1:16)!

7) In Some Way Give Your Own Testimony.

A good place to begin is to tell specifically how God has answered prayer in your life. Avoid testimonies that talk about the peace and joy you have in the Lord.

Remember that those who follow eastern religions and any number of the new cults will give just as fervent a testimony. Like the Mormons who use their burning in the bosom as a test of truth, each group has its own subjective method of instilling a counterfeit sense of security.

8. Emphasize that Christ is the Sin Bearer for All and that No Religion Can Do What Jesus Did.

Remember that your friend has been programmed to think that he has to carry his own sin until it can be released only through his cult group leadership or through his own good works. It’s up to you to show him that is not true!

Remember the areas that the cult cannot deal with and bring your friend to an understanding of these important matters; the power of the shed blood of Jesus, the Cross and the nature of salvation by grace. For example, be able to give a good, clear definition of the doctrine of the Trinity, an area of confusion with every cult.

9. Ask for a Decision.

As a general rule, it’s not good to continually press for a decision, but you will prayerfully know when the timing is right in the matter.

10) Persevere! Don’t Give Up!

Keep in mind that it is not our job to win the lost. It is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to do so. All you are to be is a willing conduit to share the truth, positioning yourself in the right place and frame of thinking to do so.

Tragically, the number one reason that the Church does not witness to the lost is fear of rejection! Yet unless we’re willing to boldly and readily open our mouths for Christ the toll of those doomed to be rejected by God is too great to imagine. We have GOT to tell them!

Remember that God would never have given us the "Great Commission" of Matthew 28 unless He has also given us the tools to complete it. There is a richness of joy and blessings beyond compare for all those willing to do what Jesus left us here to do - spread the lifesaving Gospel in a lost and dying world.

Our goal in this pamphlet is to lay out some simple yet effective methods and ideas to help the reader become more effective in carrying out the "Great Commission" given us in the Scripture passage above.Steps to Winning the Lost

God bless you as you labor for Him!

© 2000, Ed Decker & Eric Barger

Order quantities of this witnessing tool in pamphlet form here

Order Eric's Video Breaking The Seductions of Satan on winning the cults and New Age


The Universal Mistake

Ministry Update - October 10, 2007

The Universal Mistake

“Though it is said that all religions could be wrong, they most certainly can’t all be right." - Original Source Unknown

Stop a moment and think about that. As time progresses and the line between truth and error continues to fade, Universalism and its evil cousin, "Inclusionism" is going to be touted more and more. In an age of intense political correctness, the inherent tolerance of Universalism - AKA that all paths lead to God - is indeed appealing. Oh, it sounds so good to the carnal mind doesn’t it? The intellectual who warms to universalism thinks he has risen above the fray of absolutes and those less willing to examine deeper either buy into it themselves or simply repeat the error thinking of themselves as forbearing to those of other religions.

Indeed, people think they are exercising the ultimate charity by their acceptance of all religions as equal. After all, to so many it sounds so kind and loving. I have even heard alleged Christians go out of their way to talk up other faiths in an effort to appear broadminded and non-confrontational. In reality however, it is our fear of rejection by others that allows cultic ideas such as universalism to go unchallenged. I have to believe that some Christians effectively wimp-out on declaring that Jesus is the one and only way due to doctrinal ignorance. Others have employed the “pick and choose” method, rejecting some Scriptures and doctrines that they don’t like while accepting others that suit them more. Still others who claim to be Christian simply wish to avoid confrontation at all cost. None of these reasons qualify as good excuses. Can one imagine Paul or Peter trying to find common ground or have dialog with cultic drivel in the early days of the Church?

Not only does any recognition of Universalism reinforce Satan’s chief goal in the hearts of men – that is that Jesus is really not the only way - but the idea that all paths or any path could lead to Heaven for eternity makes the God of the Bible out to be the worst of all gods. Why? If there was any other way for mankind to find redemption and forgiveness than through the sacrifice of God’s one and only Son then why would a loving God send His Son to die such an awful death on the Cross? Keep this thought in mind the next time someone tries to tell you that Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam or the rest are somehow eternally equal to what Jesus accomplished for all who would simply just believe in Him.

- Eric Barger

For more on this topic see:

The (False) Gospel of Inclusion
Carlton Pearson's Inclusionism Heresy


Carlton Pearson's 'Inclusionism' Heresy

July 24, 2007

Carlton Pearson's 'Inclusionism' Heresy

(NOTE: This email was received through our website and was printed in the July 24, 2007 email update.)

The criticism of Carlton Pearson is founded in the fear that current televangelists may have to suffer a loss from the huge sums of money they currently elicit from the weak, old, feeble and fearful. What is more, it is to be hoped that Pearson's message will change the world toward peace, which is more than can be said for the emotional and mental terrorism that is spread by the Fundamentalist right, which, among many other negative items, has led to a an American Administration that many consider to be the most destructive in history. In the end, the world will not survive unless we become all-inclusive. Only the imprisoned mind - the brainwashed - the ones who have committed intellectual suicide, will oppose Carlton Pearson's "Gospel of Inclusivity".

Henry - Canada


You are a perfect example of a "drive by emailer" who wishes to simply take a potshot and not leave a valid email address so I could at least dialog with you.

Our ministry is not now and has never been prone to defend any televangelist. This doesn't mean that I don't appreciate some who are on the air but I'm probably more liable to hold my nose concerning so much that I see on religious television today. Why would I criticize anyone in order to pad the pockets of a televangelist?

My criticism of Carlton Pearson and other Inclusionists is completely based on their mishandling of the Scriptures. It would be great if Pearson was right, but it is actually intellectual suicide to reject the absolute truth of the Bible, replacing it with the perverted thoughts of a man who has turned out to be nothing more than a false prophet.

Calling Fundamentalists (i.e. Bible believers) terrorists and somehow equating that our inerrantist view of Scripture had anything to do with electing President Bush is as kooky and down right preposterous as anything anybody on the extreme left has ever said!

Part of one statement you wrote was entirely correct however. In the end, the world is not going to survive. God has already announced the events of the end days in His Word. It is in fact the most fatal flaw of man's thinking that we can somehow save the world. This is the open door which the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist will enter through and in the process bring about mandating the exact religion that you are now lobbying for - Universal Inclusion.


Eric's Note: I once greatly appreciated the preaching and zeal of Carlton Pearson. It is painful to see a man, who it would appear once had a grip on the truth, go so far astray.

Several years ago I had an impromptu debate with Mike Williams, the man who is credited with influencing Pearson concerning Inclusionism. Williams, who operates a ministry called "Gospel Revolution" and has preached at Pearson's church, once sought deliverance from homosexuality. Perhaps this explains why, after attempting and then failing to find freedom from that lifestyle, he has adopted the heresy which states that all men are already saved whether they know it or not and that they have no part to play in the decision such as repentance from sin.

During the debate, which took place during a Q&A session at the end of one of Williams' meetings in a North Carolina hotel ballroom, he admitted to me and to all those present that he does not believe the New Testament is "inspired" text. I then asked him several times why then he continually cited New Testament passages in an effort to validate his teaching. No clear response was ever given to my question. I also repeatedly asked Williams to explain Revelation 22:12-16 in which Jesus Christ clearly states that "dogs" (i.e. "a man of impure mind, an impudent man") as well as sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters and liars are excluded from the Kingdom of God. Williams' answer was that I should buy his tape series.

For more on the "Gospel of Inclusion" click here


Doctrine of Demons

Doctrine of Demons
By David Shibley

Why the so-called gospel of inclusion touted by some leaders today is really no gospel at all--just a new spin on an old heresy seeking to infect the church

On July 16, 1741, Jonathan Edwards stood before his congregation and preached a message titled "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." People began to shake under the conviction of their sins. Some fell to the floor, crying out for mercy.

Before we scoff at the title or the content of that sermon, we need to examine its fruit. Edwards is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest minds America ever produced. That morning his church encountered God, and the Great Awakening began to sweep across New England.

It's quite different in most pulpits today. What was once a "creeping Universalism" is now blatantly out in the open. In an article titled "Why We Need Hell, Too" in the August 12, 2002, issue of Newsweek, Kenneth L. Woodward wrote: "Churchgoers take comfort: Hell has all but disappeared from modern Christian theology. But this comes at a price."

A heavy price indeed. While Universalism is certainly not the dominant position of evangelicals, serious teaching on heaven and hell has been silenced in most pulpits. Even if we don't endorse Universalism, this position often wins by default.

In the next few years, no pastor will escape having to deal with this pervasive issue. Obviously, this matter is of utmost importance for the future of world evangelization. Its gravity cannot be overstated--the ultimate destinies of people are at stake.

The church's majority position has always been that there is an eternal heaven for those declared righteous by God through faith in Jesus Christ and an eternal judgment for those who do not know Him. Universalism--termed by some as a "gospel of inclusion"--has rightly been deemed heretical.

The consequence of our guilty silence on this subject has now come back to roost. Noted Universalists have thrown down the gauntlet by asserting it is the "biblical" position. I disagree, on an avalanche of scriptural evidence to the contrary, and am concerned with the deafening silence to this frontal theological challenge. It's time to take a stand--a stand that squares with the Bible and the church's historic position.


Universalism is sometimes called Universal Reconciliation. It takes a right premise (Jesus tasted death for every person) and reaches a wrong conclusion (therefore, everyone is saved).

Perhaps the best way to define this doctrine is to let Universalists speak for themselves. A 1963 publication of the World Council of Churches made this assertion: "Indeed, the world is already a redeemed world so that, whether men discern their true condition or not, and even if they deny it, they are still the heirs of God's redemption." If that were true, thousands would not have given their lives for missions, and Jesus would not have given His life for the world.

There are essentially two types of Universalism, with several shades of each type.

The first type asserts that all people are saved already. The second type teaches that all people will be saved.

In this second view, the unrepentant will suffer for their sins, but not eternally. Hell is seen as remedial, not punitive--a kind of Protestant purgatory. Hell becomes a time of purging, and God becomes something of a divine psychiatrist, helping the patient remove the blockages preventing a response to His love. But there is no biblical warrant for this view of a postmortem repentance. At best it is speculative theology.

A close cousin to this second view--currently very popular among many British evangelicals--is the doctrine of conditional immortality or annihilationism. In this view, people do not suffer eternal separation from God. They simply cease to exist.

Most annihilationists would deny they are Universalists. While technically it may not be Universalism, it is closely akin and also very similar to the skewed eschatology of some pseudo-Christian groups. Clearly the judgment Jesus spoke of was eternal in nature, just as the paradise He promised is also forever.

Annihilation simply does not have the weight of Scripture behind it. Two Greek words, apoleia and olethros, are used often in the New Testament and clearly reference eternal ruin totally devoid of God's presence, not extinction.

Paul warned of a day "when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thess. 1:7-8, NKJV). Take sober note of what he says next: "These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power" (v. 9). No amount of theological spin can make those words say anything else. In the original Greek, "everlasting destruction" means everlasting destruction!


The roots of Universalism go back to the Garden of Eden, when the serpent convinced Adam and Eve not to obey God's warning of death for disobedience. "'Has God indeed said ... ?'" the serpent asked (Gen. 3:1). Then, in defiance of God's assertion, he said, "'You will not surely die'" (v. 4). In the same way, Universalism touts: "Has God said there is eternal death if you reject His Word? You will not surely die."

Origen of Alexandria ascribed to Universalism, but Augustine vehemently opposed it. In his epic City of God Augustine wrote: "Our friends who long to get rid of eternal punishment should cease to argue against God and instead obey God's commands while there is still time." Although consistently rejected by the creedal councils, the teaching has periodically reappeared. Sometimes Universalism came to be seen as a corrective reaction to a strict Calvinism. And in the 19th century, it was taught as "the larger evangelism" or "the larger hope."

In Frontiers in Missionary Strategy, C. Peter Wagner suggests that the Universalism taught today is a new form of an old heresy: "The new Universalism has entered as the tired church's doctrine of salvation. It is no longer based on an overly optimistic view of man, as was the older Universalism; rather it is based on an overly generous view of grace."

This doctrine is obviously appealing. Will all people ultimately end up in heaven? We desperately want it to be so. Further, it can appear arrogant to preach judgment and intolerant to say that faith in Christ is the only avenue of salvation. But as ministers of Jesus Christ, we are not authorized to amend Scripture--we are only authorized to proclaim it.

Jesus spoke more often of hell than He did of heaven. He said, "'Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it'" (Matt. 7:13). The Bible describes hell as a place of darkness and a furnace of fire (see Matt. 8:12; 13:42), an everlasting burning for the punishment of sin (see Is. 33:14), a bottomless pit (see Rev. 20:1) and a place where rest is unknown (see Rev. 14:11).

This is not an easy issue. It's emotionally disturbing. God's love meant it to be that way. We are to be disturbed enough to act. There is strong biblical evidence that unbelieving persons will experience eternal conscious torment. Emotionally coming to grips with this could forever change our ministry priorities.

But preaching on judgment seems beneath the level of many of today's "positive" preachers. It's just not cool to tell unrepentant sinners they are in peril of being eternally lost. Let's be honest. Many churches are filled with people who can quickly rattle off their pastor's "five keys to prosperity" but would be hard-pressed to recite the Ten Commandments or explain the simple plan of salvation. We must ask the painful question: Are we preaching the whole counsel of God?

Those who warn of coming judgment must be tough-skinned. They will be labeled "bigoted." Yet they are motivated by love. Who is more compassionate toward a drowning man? The man on the shore who assures the sinking swimmer that he's already saved, or the man who jumps in, throws out a life saver and pleads with the drowning man to stop trying to save himself and grab hold of the one and only life saver?


So, what's at stake if we accede to Universalism? I offer the following four points:

1. Sound theology. The church is set on a slippery slide toward theological liberalism. Soon all confidence in Scripture is lost, and the uniqueness of the Christian gospel evaporates.

2. The gospel itself. In a lecture opposing Universalism, Roy Fish asks rhetorically: "What does a non-Christian gain by becoming a Christian? Nothing, it seems, that he didn't have before. But shall we then discount the testimony of Hindu or Muslim converts that their conversion was a literal passage from death to life?"

3. Evangelism and missions. We cannot hope to sustain healthy evangelism and missions if we forfeit the doctrine of eternal judgment for those apart from Christ. This is tantamount to carrying a great cause on a weak foundation; eventually, the cause will topple because of wobbly underpinnings.

A modified Universalist view suggests only those who have heard the gospel are accountable. But let's follow that to its logical conclusion. If those who haven't heard are not accountable, we should immediately rush every missionary home and stop every national pastor from reaching any farther. After all, what if those previously unaccountable were to hear the gospel and reject it? They would then be accountable.

The missionary would have done them a terrible disservice. Such reasoning would have to conclude that the kindest thing we could do for yet unreached humanity would be to stop preaching the gospel! It is little wonder that such reasoning dwarfs missionary advance.

Quoted in Evangelical Missions Quarterly, missionary statesman Robertson McQuilkin warns, "If there is any question about [man's lost condition], the heroic sacrifices of missionaries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will not be forthcoming in the twenty-first."

4. The loss of at least one generation. If we derail theologically, it could take another century to rebuild a solid biblical track underneath the church. If Universalism is finally proven "right" (and that's a huge if), nothing will have been lost by our continued urgency in winning people to faith in Christ. But if this doctrine is embraced, then everything will be forever lost--including people without Christ.


Why should we reject Universalism? Here are seven reasons:

1. It dishonors the cross and the gospel. To confer an "anonymous Christian" status on those who openly deny Christ's atoning death and His lordship is patently dishonoring to the suffering of Jesus and to the clear demands of the gospel.

2. It disregards the overwhelming evidence of Scripture. Jesus taught that the unbelieving person is "condemned already" and that "the wrath of God abides on him" (see John 3:18,36). Paul made an airtight case for the lostness of humanity in the first chapters of Romans. According to the apostle, even the remotest of peoples are "without excuse" because of the light of conscience and nature. Yet only the light of the world, Jesus Christ, can bring them salvation.

3. It diminishes God's holy wrath against sin. God's character is not on trial. Somewhere deep in our hearts, we intuitively know there must be a day of reckoning with a loving, holy God. Universalism denies man freedom of choice. If we deny ultimate responsibility for our actions, we deny both the character of God and an essential part of human personality.

4. It dismantles the historic teaching of the church. To the testimony of the Scriptures and countless Christian martyrs, the historic creeds of the church add their affirmation of a real heaven and a real hell. Most denominations' statements of faith include a clear rejection of Universalism. Historically, evangelicals have rejected it simply because it doesn't line up with the biblical revelation. It is based far more on deductive rationalism than the clear teaching of Scripture.

5. It dilutes the uniqueness of the Christian message. The uniqueness of Jesus is at the very core of our message and mission. Who is Jesus? What will you do with Him? This is the great divide. Under Universalism, any road sincerely taken will get you to heaven. But Jesus taught that He was the only way to enter into a relationship with God.

6. It deadens the urgency of evangelism. Urgency is lost, because Universalism assumes people either don't need to be saved or will end up saved anyway. We believe the gospel is good news only if it arrives in time. But for the Universalist, the gospel can arrive any time, if indeed it needs to arrive at all. Let's not kid ourselves--if evangelism dies, souls will be eternally lost, and thousands of churches will die, too.

7. It dulls the imperative of missions. One of the clearest verses against Universalism is the Great Commission itself. Jesus explicitly mandated that we proclaim the gospel to every person, and then warned that those who do not believe "will be condemned" (see Mark 16:15-16).

Missions rests on several givens--assumptions on which our passion for the Great Commission is built. One of the most basic of these assumptions is that people without Jesus Christ are lost. In One Race, One Gospel, One Task, Vol. I, Billy Graham wrote: "The various shades of Universalism prevalent throughout the church have done more to blunt evangelism and take the heart out of the missionary movement than anything else. I believe that men outside of Jesus Christ are lost."

Universalists argue that those who have not responded to the gospel are nonetheless "implicit Christians." They even suggest this should actually increase our motivation for missions! But as John Piper writes in the second edition of Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions, this just doesn't ring true. "On the contrary," he says, "common sense presses another truth on us: The more likely it is that people can be saved without missions, the less urgency there is for missions."

We go with the gospel, with all the built-in hazards of missions, precisely because Jesus commands us to go, and He tells us to go because those who die without Him are eternally lost.

Of course, the greatest threat of Universalism is to the person outside of Christ. I encourage you to blow the dust off a hymnal and re-read the words of Fanny Crosby's "Rescue the Perishing."


Our legacy will not be in what falsehoods we denounced but in what truths we upheld. So while we reject Universalism, what are we for?

1. Respect for all peoples and religions. As The Amsterdam Declaration affirms, in preaching the gospel "we must do so with love and humility, shunning all arrogance, hostility and disrespect ... because all persons are made in the image of God, we must advocate religious liberty and human rights for all. We pledge ourselves to treat those of other religions with respect and faithfully and humbly serve the nation in which God has placed us, while affirming that Christ is the one and only Savior of the world."

2. Biblical tolerance. Biblical tolerance grants each person the right to worship according to the dictates of his conscience. We recognize that only the Holy Spirit can convict people of their need of Christ, and only He does the work of regeneration. What passes today for tolerance is often merely a lack of conviction.

Tolerance is a virtue only if a person believes something strongly and yet respects the rights of others to disagree. While I am completely convinced that Jesus is the sole hope of salvation, this does not give me carte blanche to disrespect the beliefs of others. On the contrary, my total confidence in the gospel frees me to interact with courtesy and respect toward all people, no matter what they believe.

3. The right to proclaim the gospel and evangelize unbelievers. Anti-conversion laws are springing up in many countries, and hostility toward Christians is growing. Ours is the position of The Millennial Manifesto: "We reject all forms of coercive proselytism and manipulative pressure, but uphold the right of persons to become followers of Jesus in response to the conviction of the Holy Spirit."

4. Compassionate ministry toward all people. None of this appeal against Universalism supports a lurid, sadistic preaching on hell. We must preach the truth with humility and tears. Preaching the awful possibility of hell must always be accompanied by the proclamation of redemption through Jesus Christ.

If people are lost without Christ (and they are), and if faith in Christ is the only way to salvation (and it is), what could possibly be a higher priority than getting the gospel as far as we can as fast as we can? Peter says we are to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15, NIV). The most benevolent, humanitarian activity possible is sharing the gospel.

What a serious accounting must await us if we believe in eternal judgment for those without faith in Christ--and yet do nothing. I would not want to stand before the Lord as a confessing Universalist or a complacent evangelical. Larry Stockstill calls us to a higher vision: "If there are indeed billions of unsaved individuals destined for eternal separation from God, our lives become bigger and more significant than utility bills and relational problems."

Let's live bigger lives.

Arming Your Congregation to Combat Heresy

The best way a pastor can prepare his or her congregation to confront the heresy of Universalism is to teach what the Bible really says about heaven and hell.

The "gospel of inclusion" ideology--which is actually just a mask for Universalism--teaches that everyone will be saved, whether or not they personally receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. But overwhelming biblical evidence dismantles the fallacy of this belief.

It is important to respond to this aberrant teaching since it is a deceptive mix of truth with error. The following 10 points may be used as a teaching guide on what the Bible really says.

1. Jesus made both repentance and faith prerequisites for forgiveness. "'Unless you repent you will all likewise perish'" (Luke 13:3, NKJV). " 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel'" (Mark 1:15).

2. The "water of life" is offered to all, but not all receive it or even desire it. "Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17).

3. Scripture teaches that there will be a judgment after death. "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment" (Heb. 9:27).

4. Those who have not had a true conversion will experience a judgment for sin that the Bible describes as "the second death." "'But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death'" (Rev. 21:8).

5. Jesus spoke often of a terrible place of judgment for those outside His kingdom rule. "'The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth'" (Matt. 13:41-42).

6. Scripture teaches that there is unending, eternal judgment for those who do not know God and who do not respond in faith to the gospel. "The Lord Jesus [will be] revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power" (2 Thess. 1:7-9).

7. Jesus emphatically taught that a spiritual birth is essential to entering the kingdom of heaven. "'Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God'" (John 3:3).

8. Jesus gave no indication that there are many roads to God. Rather, He forcefully stated that He was the one and only way. "'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'" (John 14:6).

9. According to Jesus, only those who receive Him and believe in Him are children of God. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12).

10. Rather than teaching that those without faith in Christ are already saved, the Bible teaches that they are already under judgment. Faith in Christ brings us out of condemnation and into right relationship with God. "'He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God'" (John 3:18).

Editor's Note: In addition to this article package for Ministries Today, David Shibley has written an article titled "24 Reasons Why I Believe in Hell," which appears in the April 2003 issue of our sister publication, Charisma magazine. The above points are an excerpt from this feature.

David Shibley is founder and president of Global Advance, a ministry that provides training and resources for thousands of pastoral leaders around the world. He hosts the nationally syndicated radio program, WorldWatch With David Shibley, and is author of 14 books, including the highly acclaimed missions classic A Force in the Earth and The Missions Addiction, both published by Charisma House. Log on to www.charismahouse.com.


The (False) Gospel of Inclusion

The (False) Gospel of Inclusion
New Heresy Claiming Victims in the Name of Love

By Eric Barger

Oral Roberts, Marilyn Hickey, T.D. Jakes and others have attempted to dialog with Pearson to no avail. (info here) Pearson's doctrine has also been deemed "heretical" by other Christian leaders. (info here)

I began receiving Williams' emails a few months ago and though they were laced with Scripture and Christian jargon from the very get go it was easy to spot the universalistic heresy therein. Obviously, there are very powerful forces at work to derail any Christian off into this mess. Besides demonic seduction, I surmise that those who are buying this new "gospel" are doing so because they are finding it too much bother to live a life worthy of the calling of Christ. Following Jesus' own admonitions, let alone that of Paul, Peter, James and other New Testament writers has given way to trusting the LIE that all men are already saved so holy living and righteousness are part of an old antiquated system.

In an email to Williams' ministry recently I stated:

"Jesus did NOT teach universalism. Quite the contrary actually. He taught that He was the way the truth and the life and that no man would be saved without Him. Moslems hate that message. Jews too. I am happy to say that many from Islamic and Jewish backgrounds ARE finding Jesus Christ, but they won't ALL be saved. Not even close.

It is an absolute affront to the Cross of Christ - a slap in the face to God - to believe that "all" will be saved or that there is any other way than through repentance of sin, believing in Jesus redemptive work on the Cross. If there were ANY other way to get to Heaven and be free of eternal damnation, or if there was going to be true salvation handed out to EVERYONE - REGARDLESS OF FAITH IN CHRIST AND REPENTANCE FROM SIN - then our loving God sent His only Son to die a horrid, painful. torturous and needless death on the cross! What Father would do that if there were any other way. Scripture is replete with contextual proof that neither the old or new testaments ever elude to universal salvation for all men. Instead, the Scripture teaches that without faith (in Jesus) it is impossible to please God and without Jesus as savior by faith you and I eternally damned."

Last month (October 2002) Williams took part in Pearson's " Contending for the Faith Once Delivered Summit"in Tulsa. How twisted to infer the use of Jude 3 when the gospel they are holding to is anything BUT the faith, once delivered to the saints!

My fellow minister, Michael Tummillo, has written a terrific piece on this subject. I have included it here and hope that you'll not only read it and be warned about this growing heresy but that you'll tap into Michael's resources, in particular his email newsletter (see link at the end of his article).

Please join me in warning others about this insidious end-time heresy. Think of how many people may be adversely effected by the Gospel of Inclusion." Also, please pray earnestly for Carlton Pearson, Mike Williams and others in this trap that they might repent (something they sadly no longer believe in) and turn back to the truth.

Bless you as you truly contend for the authentic, historic faith...

"There are many roads leading to Heaven," some say.

A man with whom I was once discussing spiritual things angrily closed the conversation with the words, "You have your truth and I have mine!"

He was a professing Christian.

Lots of folks, even those calling themselves Christians, actually agree with such nonsense. In this day of political correctness, ultra-tolerance, and ecumenism, let's face it, this kind of attitude fits right in. Kinda warm and fuzzy. Problem?

These are lies!

Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only few find it," (Matthew 7:13-14). Don't be deceived by the crowded pews on Sunday mornings, folks. By Christ's own definition, very few pew potatoes qualify to be called His disciples.

Consider God becoming a man and dying on the cross so we can have forgiveness and eternal life in Heaven. Consider people over the centuries either accepting or rejecting God's love. Now, consider all those who died and suffered as martyrs (and still do!) for their faith in Christ. Then, imagine the end of time, judgment day, all of mankind standing before God. He shrugs His shoulders and says, "Oh, all right ...ya'll come on in!"

Not a chance. Not because God wants anybody going to Hell. He doesn't. The Bible clearly says God does not want "anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). And He provides EVERY opportunity for us to do so.

The Universalist asks, "How could a loving God send anyone to Hell?" Again, He doesn't. We send ourselves by making that choice, refusing God's love and deciding not to make Jesus our Lord.

A recent Agape Press article began with the headline: 'Gospel of Inclusion' Draws Attention, Stirs Controversy: Tulsa Bishop Says Conversion Through Christ Unnecessary. The article goes on to say: "A Pentecostal bishop in Oklahoma continues to stir controversy with his teaching that Jesus Christ has saved everyone, regardless whether they accept Christ as their Savior.

"Carlton Pearson ... has raised eyebrows among his fellow evangelicals recently for preaching what he calls the "gospel of inclusion." Associated Press says other prominent ministers have denounced him for teaching that Jesus has saved everyone -- both believers and unbelievers. He teaches that sincere people who do not directly acknowledge Christ -- such as Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Unitarians -- will go to heaven. Consequently, according to Pearson, conversion is unnecessary. "The finished work of Christ at Calvary redeemed all of humanity, not just Christians, back to God," Pearson says. "The whole world is already saved -- they just don't know it."

"Pearson goes as far as to say that a God who eternally condemns non-Christians would be worse than Hitler. "Hitler killed six million [people], mostly Jews. He is the most despised man in the twentieth century. Is God worse than Hitler, who's going to burn eternally, endlessly, billions of people?"

"Many Christians who consider Pearson's teaching heresy will likely point to his views on the Bible as the source of his error. "I'm saying, don't put your trust in the Bible -- put your trust in God. [The Bible] shouldn't be an idol. This is paper and ink."

"Pearson is opening a three-day conference at his church today entitled "Contending for the Faith Once Delivered Summit," at which the "gospel of inclusion" is to be the main focus. Speakers at the three-day conference include Pearson himself as well as several others who are proponents of universalism.

"But Charisma News reports that at least one scheduled speaker has asked to be removed from the list of scheduled speakers. Pastor Michael Pitts of Cornerstone Church in Toledo, Ohio, says he has been "deeply troubled and concerned" about the direction Pearson's ministry has taken...

When Shirley McLaine was out spouting her new revelation that she was God, appearing on talk shows, in magazines, authoring a book entitled "Out On A Limb" and appearing in a TV movie by the same name, author F. LaGarde Smith attended one of her workshops ($500 per attendee). I recall hearing him tell of his astonishment as Shirley opened the program with the words, "Remember the words of Jesus and of Buddha... be still and know that YOU are God." He gasped in unbelief and looked around at the other attendees who sat merely smiling and nodding.

Poster children for Biblical Illiteracy every one!

These are prime examples of why it is that Christians must fulfill Christ's command to "go and make disciples" (Matthew 28:19), sharing the TRUTH of Scripture with everyone by any means possible. Someday, that opportunity will be gone for everybody. Maybe someone you love. we're living in the era of the false prophet where heretical teachings abound. Jesus said there'd be days like this before His return. Now is the time: the TRUTH of Scripture MUST BE TAUGHT! Who will go for the cause of Christ, bringing the Church TO the people? Who will even dare to forward this eMail to others as a warning?


John 6:68, John 14:6, Revelation 20:12-15, 2 Corinthians 13:5

There are MANY ways to make disciples. The BEST way, is by our OWN example. WARNING: someone is ALWAYS watching you! Do it right in private (at home with your kids, sibs, mom and dad) so that, when you go public, you won't be faking it. That way you can ALWAYS be yourself, at home, school, and at work. A Christian 24/7! A living epistle read by all.

Michael, a servant of God

t.e.a.m. ministries ... reaching the largest congregation on planet earth!
A Ministry of Discipleship & Encouragement to the Body of Christ

"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 10:7)
P.O. Box 633 Stephenville, TX 76401


The Fatal Flaw

F.A.T.A.L. Flaw

By Ed Decker

"Then he brought me to the gate of the LORD's house which was toward the north; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz."

Since 1868, thousands of decent Christian women have innocently taken part in pagan rites around an altar to the gods of witchcraft. They have been deceived into bowing the knee to gods so vile and ancient that even the pagan priests of Egypt blotted them out from their history. Women, who would blush with shame at the mention of Satanism, have been led to Satan's altar by people they trusted. Often their own husbands, who were given stewardship over them by Jesus Christ have violated that trust by leading them into paths of idolatry.

Alarming accusations! Yet this altar of idolatry is nestled right in the bosom of Christianity - The Order of the Eastern Star!



Much has been written on the spiritual dangers of Freemasonry. Yet the "Star," is equally perilous.


The Star is known as "Adoptive" Masonry. This means mothers, daughters, wives and sisters of Freemasons may be spiritually "adopted" into the Masonic order. Hence, they come under its spiritual authority. Now since Lucifer is the acknowledged god of Masonry, what does this "adoption" mean for the woman who joins the Star? She is submitting herself to the spiritual headship of Lucifer! Even a Christian woman is surrendering herself, however innocently, to the gods of Masonry - and this will give Satan an entry point into her life, regardless of how devout she is.

When anyone, man or woman, becomes a Christian, they are adopted into the family of God (Rom.8:15-17). Yet when they kneel at a Masonic altar and take those oaths, they are entering Satan's dominion, whether they know it or not. This opens the door to all manner of problems. We have dealt with women who entered the Star and then found their nights troubled by strange dreams and demonic activity. As soon as they repented of their involvement in the Star and renounced their oaths in the name of Jesus, the oppression ceased.

This is why we are told by Paul to avoid all contact with idolatry because of what it can bring to our very door: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? ...Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord."—2 Cor.6: 14-15,17.


We need not look far into the Star to find evidence of Satan's presence. His hoof prints are everywhere! To begin with the most obvious, we look at the "signet" of the Order, which is an inverted five-pointed star— called a pentagram in witchcraft. The fact is that this inverted pentagram is so deeply and unmistakably associated with Satanism that many witches fear to use it for fear of the demons they attract. This star is used to draw down the kingdom of Satan into manifestation on earth! (MAN, MYTH AND MAGIC, vol.16, p.2159)

This star can be drawn with the goat's-head inside. It then becomes the badge of the Satanist, the infamous Goat of Mendes! This goat's name is Baphomet, and it is the blasphemous god of the 12th Century Knights Templar (the ancestors of today's Freemasons).



Here is this sinister star, exalted as the very centerpiece of the Chapter! Not only is the star inverted, but the colorful attributes of the 5 points are even the correct colors for the four magical elements, air (blue), earth (yellow), water (green) and fire (red); plus the fifth point, the bottom, represents "akasha," the spiritual power of the "astral plane" which is the fusion of all the other "rays" of the star into white.

It is evident that the person who designed the Eastern Star had more than a passing knowledge of black magic. That, in itself should make Christians nervous. The Bible forbids any involvement with sorcery:

"Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. -Deut.18:10-11

Worship of stars is especially condemned:

The houses in Jerusalem and those of the kings of Judah will be defiled like this place, Topheth - all the houses where they burned incense on the roofs to all the starry hosts and poured out drink offerings to other gods. Jer. 19:13

He (King Manassah) built altars to all the starry hosts. He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced sorcery and divination, and consulted mediums and spiritists. - 2 Kings 21:5-6

Please note the grievous sins associated with star worship. "Tophet" is a place where during the days of deepest sin in Israel, parents sacrificed their children to the god Molech! It is a "place of burning" which later on came to be known as Gehenna, the word often used by Jesus for hell! (EERDMANS' CONCISE BIBLE HANDBOOK, p.203). Manassah sacrificed his own son in the fire!

If you lay out a satanic star and offer devotions at it, the moral and spiritual consequences are ominous! You may say that you have been in the Star for years and you are still a good member of your church and that you aren't making sacrifices of your children - but think!

Are our children not being sacrificed every day through abortion? Are not the generations reared under the influence of the Star the first mothers to lay their babies willingly upon the altars of the abortion clinic by the millions? Are we not seeing the dividends of this pagan worship in the corruption of the very ideals of motherhood? Are we not witnessing the moral destruction of whole generations of children because of the mothers' participation in these "harmless rituals"?

Perhaps it is too much to blame the moral decay of our children on the Star, but remember how in the Bible, the people of Israel kept falling into disaster because they allowed a "little" idolatry to creep into their culture. If you wish to corrupt a culture, corrupt its mothers— - and the spiritual leprosy of Masonry is doing just that!


At this point you may protest and say that the Star is based on biblical stories and that the star of the altar is intended to represent the "star in the east" mentioned in Mt.2:2 which heralded the birth of Jesus. You may point out that the motto of the order is: "We have seen his star in the East and are come to worship Him." This sounds very pious, but actually it is misdirection!

First of all, the star of Bethlehem could not have been an "eastern star," since most biblical expositors agree that the magi came from the east, and that therefore a star over Judea would be in the western sky to their viewpoint. Some scholars feel that the passage means that the magi were "in the east" when the saw the star— others say that the term "in the east" can also be translated alternately as "seen when it rose," meaning that they saw the star as it rose.

STRONG'S CONCORDANCE, in fact, gives the primary meaning of the Greek word there, Anatole, as a rising of light; with "eastern" as only a figurative meaning. VINE'S EXPOSITORY DICTIONARY concurs. The "Eastern Star" cannot be the star of Bethlehem! Then whose star is it?

In reality, the Eastern Star is a term among sorcerers for the star Sirius. (See CITY OF REVELATION by John Michelle, p.4) This fits perfectly because in black magick, the inverted pentagram is the sign of Sirius or Set. (See ALEISTER CROWLEY AND THE HIDDEN GOD by Kenneth Grant, p.l2). But who is Sirius, or Set?

Sirius is the "Dog Star", the first star to rise in the east in the latitudes of Egypt. It is sacred to Set, the satanic figure of Egyptian religion. The Egyptians celebrated Sirius' ascendancy in the skies with horrible, obscene rituals! In fact, the rites of Sirius or Set were so debased that later rulers of Egypt defaced their temples and obelisks and tried to drive them from the land (see Grant, pp.70-71).


When the ladies of the Star say, "We have seen His Star in the East and are come to worship Him", who is "Him?" Is it the Jesus of Calvary or is it some dog headed, obscene god named Set? What does the evidence tell us?

The Biblical elements in the Star ceremony are suspect to say the least - based as they are upon dubious actions and mythical additions to the Bible. Yet the occult elements in the Star's symbolism are obvious for anyone to see! The Eastern Star is not the star which heralds Jesus, but the star which heralds Set - the most ancient form of Satan in recorded history!

But you may say that you don't believe in Set, and that you believe that you are performing pious exercises. You say that you thought the Star was a order which worships the true God. But my dear friends, every person believes that the god they worship is the true God. The important thing is that if you are a Christian, the Bible tells you to "avoid even the appearance of evil."—1 Thess. 5:22 and to "keep yourselves from idols."—1 Jn. 5:21. How can you keep yourself from idols when every other week or so you gather around the most ancient and evil idol in human history?

Is your presence in the Chapter really pleasing to the God who thundered from Mt. Sinai and said, "I am the Lord your God...you shall have no other gods before me." You can no longer protest innocence. You know the evil origins of the symbols of the Star and you know that the Lord Jesus forbade the taking of oaths of any kind (Mt.5:33-37). What more do you need than the knowledge that you are breaking the commands of the Gentle Master Whom you serve?

That is the F.A.T.A.L. flaw of the Star. The very term "cabalistic word" refers to an ancient system of Jewish magic--the Qabalah! The Star's "word" may be "Fairest Among Thousands Altogether Lovely," but it is asking you to choose between the star of evil and One Who is your beloved Bridegroom, who "is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand." —Song of Solomon 5:10. Flee the headship and authority of Satan, and return to the arms of Him who should be your Head, your Bridegroom, and your Savior, Jesus Christ! 

Contact Ed Decker at:
Saints Alive in Jesus
P.O. Box 1347
Issaquah, WA 98027-0055


Freemansonry & the Occult


By David Carrico

Followers of Jesus Christ Ministries
5220 Ashley Drive
Evansville, IN 47711

Freemasonry is an occult secret society and all Freemasons have aligned themselves with the occult. This is the obvious conclusion that people with just a casual knowledge of the lodge are forced to realize. The word occult means deliberately kept hidden: not revealed to others. (1) How can Freemasonry avoid being classified as occult when the Mason is forbidden by oath not to reveal what goes on behind the closed doors of the lodge even to his wife or his fellow church members. All Freemasons have definitely participated in occult activities. This is an opinion that the Masonic book, The Royal Arch: Its Hidden Meaning, published by the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company heartily agrees with.

"Many Freemasons shudder at the word occult which comes from the Latin, meaning to cover, to conceal from public scrutiny and the profane. But anyone studying Freemasonry cannot avoid classifying Freemasonry among occult teachings." (2)

We will be studying some of the powerful people and organizations that have played a part in the modern occult revival and we will find as we study their teachings that they all have one common denominator: Freemasonry.

Freemasonry: The Devil's Playground

Anton LaVey, the High Priest of the Church of Satan states:

"...Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every occult order has many Masonic roots. (3)

Freemasonry is not just an occult secret society. Freemasonry has served for over two hundred years as a fertile recruiting ground for other occult orders. Men who have come together to practice Masonry have many times down through the years formed other organizations to plunge even deeper into the occult.

The Illuminati

According to our research, the first group that used the Masonic lodge for their evil designs was the infamous Bavarian Illuminati. This secret society was officially formed by Adam Weishaupt, professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt University, on May 1, 1776. As the evil plans of the Illuminati began to leak out, brave men took a stand and raised their voices in protest.

One such man was John Robinson, a professor of Natural Philosophy at Edinburgh University, and General Secretary of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. In his book, Proofs of a Conspiracy, which was originally published in 1798, Robinson documented how Masonry served as the nursery school for the Illuminati. It was then discovered that this group and several associated Lodges were the preparation-school for another Order of Masons, who called themselves THE ILLUMINATED, and that the express aim of this Order was to abolish Christianity and overturn all civil government. (4)

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

The leaders of the New Age Movement have also found a friend in the friendly confines of the Masonic lodges. In the last two centuries Freemasonry and the New Age Movement have been intricately entwined. The Scottish Rite Journal of the Southern Jurisdiction was previously called The New Age Magazine between 1903-1990. Freemason Lynn F. Perkins wrote a book in 1972 titled, New Age Youth and Masonry: What Every High School and College Graduate Should Know About Masonry.

This book was dedicated to those of oncoming generations of youth who would build and operate the New Order of the Ages. (5) He also wrote another book called Masonry in The New Age. Both of these books are listed for sale in the 1991 Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., Inc. catalog. The woman heralded as the 'Mother' of the modern New Age Movement is Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, 1831-1891. Blavatsky was born in Russia and was known for her violent temper and her ability to swear in several languages. This behavior was no doubt intensified as a result of her drug addiction to Hashish. She traveled all over the world lecturing and practicing the occult but her greatest impact by far was through her writings.

Her most famous book, The Secret Doctrine, is one of the foundational occult works of all time. Her preeminently wicked book made no distinction between the serpent and the God of the Bible and taught that Satan was the one that made man into a god:

"Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the garden of Eden and the Lord God are identical, . . .(6)

"Thus Satan, once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious, dogmatic, unphilosophical spirit of the Churches, grows into the grandiose image of one who makes of a terrestrial, a divine Man; (7)

The Theosophical Society

Blavatsky's 'Secret Doctrine' and the organization she helped to found, the Theosophical Society, has certainly had an impact on our culture. 'Secret Doctrine' was the first book that Sirhan Sirhan requested after he was jailed for the murder of Robert Kennedy. Adolph Hitler kept a copy of The Secret Doctrine at his beside and was profoundly influenced by it. Adolf Hitler was a disciple of Madame Blavatsky, and was initiated into the meaning of her secret doctrines.

He was tutored by men who were formerly theosophists themselves, and had theosophists at his side until the very end of the war. (8) This favorite book of Adolph Hitler's was also a favorite of 'Freemasonry's greatest Philosopher,' 33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall. Hall spoke with unrestrained praise for Blavatsky's writings:

"The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled are Madame Blavatsky's gifts to humanity, and to those whose vision can pierce the menacing clouds of imminent disaster it is no exaggeration to affirm that these writings are the most vital literary contribution to the modern world. No more can they be compared with other books than can the light of the sun be compared with the lamp of the glowworm. The Secret Doctrine assumes the dignity of a scripture, . . .(9)

Blavatsky's organization, The Theosophical Society, was founded in 1875. Freemason, Henry Steel Olcott was the president, with Freemason, George H. Felt as vice president, and high ranking American Mason, Charles Sothern as a member. Also among the early members was the most powerful American Mason of all time, Albert Pike, Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite. Madame Blavatsky was such a favorite of Freemasons that she was issued a Masonic certificate in the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Masonry in 1877.

Annie Besant and The Theosophical Society

In 1907, Annie Besant became the head of the Theosophical Society. Besant continued Blavatsky's love for Masonry by becoming a leader and earning the 33rd degree in Co-Masonry, an order with rites that admitted women as well as men.

On February 19, 1922, an alliance between Mrs. Besant's Co-masonry and the Grand Orient of France was celebrated at the Grand Temple of the DroiteHumain in Paris. (10) 

C.W. Leadbeater and The Theosophical Society

During the time Annie Besant was head of the Theosophical Society she labored to promote a young man from India, Jiddu Krishnamurti, as the Messiah. Her right hand man in this endeavor was 33rd degree Mason, C.W. Leadbeater. This Freemason had a passionate desire for the deeper workings of the occult. Some sources claim Leadbeater was a pedophile homosexual. (11)

When the dark side of Freemasonry begins to be revealed and discussed, the question invariably arises: Does participation in Masonic rituals lead to demon invasion and control? C.W. Leadbeater answers that question for us most decisively from an insiders point of view. Leadbeater does more than give an affirmative answer to our question. He proceeds to describe the demon spirits he received in the various degrees of Freemasonry:

"The 30th degree brings its Angel also, of appropriate character - a great blue Deva of the First Ray, who lends his strength to the Knight K.H., somewhat as the crimson Angel assists the Ex. and perf. Bro. of the Rose-Croix. The 33rd degree gives two such splendid fellow-workers - spirits of gigantic size as compared to humanity, and radiantly white in colour. (12)

"The 33rd degree links the Sovereign Grand Inspector General with the Spiritual King of the World Himself, That Mightiest of Adepts who stands at the head of the Great White Lodge, in whose strong hands lie the destinies of earth . . .(13)

"Yet when one of these bright Spirits is attached to us by a Masonic ceremony we must not think of him either as a director or as an attendant, but simply as a co-worker and a brother.(14)

Alice A. and Foster Bailey

Alice A. Bailey was the reigning 'queen' of The New Age movement until her death in the 1970's. She wrote over twenty books with the help of her spirit guide, the Tibetan master Dwjhal Khul. Mrs. Bailey spoke plainly and truthfully about the fact that the Masonic lodge was the training school for the leaders of the occult world. Alice A. Bailey said of Freemasonry:

"It is a far more occult organization than can be realized, and is intended to be the training school for the coming advanced occultists. (15)

Together with her husband, 32nd degree Mason Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey labored to bring in the reign of the New Age Christ. Foster states:

"The most important re-orientation in the Hierarchy is the united focus on preparation for the reappearance of the Christ among men. (16)

"The Christ is a living man today. He is a great world executive and is actively working to help humanity to grow up spiritually, but not seeking or wanting to control us. (17)

"The Christ and the hierarchy are focused on new age actions and when externalized will use new age techniques. (18)

Foster Bailey ridiculed the Christ of the Bible and heralded the false gospel of the New Age Christ:

"The Christian doctrine that he comes as a Christian to save us from hell and for some distant judgment date is a hangover from humanity's childhood days. He does not come to save us but to help us save ourselves, . . .(19)

Foster Bailey wrote articles for Masonic magazines and lectured at Masonic lodge halls. His book, The Spirit of Masonry, is still sold in the Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co. Catalog. It is sobering to read in his book how this powerful New Age leader spoke of Masonry as the universal religion.

"Is it not possible from a contemplation of this side of Masonic teaching that it may provide all that is necessary for the formulation of a universal religion? May it not be true, as has been said, that if all religions and Scriptures were blotted out and only Masonry were left in the world we could still recover the great plan of salvation? Most earnestly should all true Masons consider this point. . . .

"A revitalized Masonry, made up of Masons true to their obligations and realising the Mystic Tie that binds them all together in one true brotherhood, would also provide a platform so universal that it would meet the need of thinkers of all kinds and of every school of thought. It would thus not only meet a religious need by providing a universal religion, but would also satisfy the mental need felt by all broad-minded thinkers at this time. (20)

Aleister Crowley: Father of Modern Satanism

The most disturbing example of someone being recruited out of Freemasonry into more bizarre occult orders is that of 33rd degree Mason, Aleister Crowley. During his lifetime, Crowley was proclaimed by the press as the most wicked man alive. Crowley's perverted life left a string of casualties among those who were foolish enough to get close to this evil man. Crowley's first wife, Rose entered an insane asylum in 1911; his second wife, Maria entered an asylum in 1931, two years after her marriage to Crowley.

In a locked room with only Crowley and his son present, Crowley performed a ritual in which his son died. . . . On a London street in 1934, a nineteen-year-old girl rushed up to him and declared that she wanted to have his baby. Crowley took her to bed. She, too, later entered an asylum. (21)

Just a brief autobiographic sketch of Crowley's life is like an evening swim in a sewer. Crowley called himself the 'Beast 666' and Leila Waddell, his mistress, displayed the mark of the beast that was tattooed between her breasts. If there ever was a man that was more wicked than Crowley, it would be hard to imagine. Crowley was a homosexual and a drug addict that opposed Christianity with a hatred that was frightening. He said:

"To me, every dirty act was simply a sacrament of sin, a passionately religious protest against Christianity, which was for me the symbol of all vileness, meanness, treachery, falsehood and oppression. (22)

O.T.O.: Ordo Templi Orientis and Freemason, Theodor Reuss

One of the most alarming things about Crowley's life was the way that he went from Freemasonry into the cult of the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis). Crowley tells in his own words how Freemason Theodor Reuss recruited him into the O.T.O.:

"Although I was admitted to the thirty-third and last degree of Freemasonry so long ago as 1900, it was not until the summer of 1912 that my suspicion was confirmed. I speak of my belief that behind the frivolities and convivialities of our greatest institution lay in truth a secret ineffable and miraculous, potent to control the forces of Nature, and not only to make men brethren, but to make them divine. But at the time I speak of a man came to me, a man of those mysterious masters of esoteric Freemasonry who are alike its Eyes and its Brains, and who exist in its midst unknown, often, even to its acknowledged chiefs . . . This man had been watching my occult career for some years, and deemed me now worthy to partake in the Greater Mysteries. (23)

This certainly shows that members of other occult orders can work within Freemasonry often times without the knowledge of the actual leaders of the lodge. The O.T.O. was founded in 1895 by the Austrian Freemason, Karl Kellner. Freemason, Theodor Reuss became its leader after Kellner's death. Reuss started a magazine called The Oriflame in 1902 with the help of Freemason ,Franz Hartman. A 1912 jubilee edition of the magazine revealed information about what the O.T.O. activities really were.

"Our order possesses the KEY which opens up all Masonic and Hermetic secrets, namely, the teaching of sexual magic, and this teaching explains, without exception, all the secrets of Nature, all the symbolism of Freemasonry and all systems of religion. (24)

Aleister Crowley and The O.T.O.

In 1912, while holding the rank of 33rd degree Mason, Aleister Crowley became the head of the British O.T.O. The teachings and the practices of the O.T.O. were amazingly disgusting. A very brief description of their degrees is as follows:

"Today's literature about sex magic relies heavily on practices which were already common in the O.T.O. or in its later development b y Aleister Crowley . . . The division is as follows: VIII degree O.T.O. = autoerotic practice IX degree O.T.O. = heteroerotic practice XI degree O.T.O. = homoerotic practice This is the traditional sex-magic practice as performed under Crowley. 25 Thirty-third degree Aleister Crowley proudly called his cult of the O.T.O. 'true freemasonry.' I claim for my system that it satisfies all possible requirements of true freemasonry. It offers a rational basis for universal brotherhood and for universal religion. (26)

How close is the connection between Freemasonry and the O.T.O.? Masonic Historian Francis King reveals a closer connection than most Freemasons would ever dare to admit.

"For the O.T.O. not only had, as we shall see, connections with spurious and clandestine Masonic groups but functioned as a recruiting office for one of these for in the 'Classification of Members by Degrees' appended to Ruess's document is clearly stated that 'candidates are made Freemasons by the Directing Members (Fratres Superiores) of the O.T.O. (27)

The fact that Crowley was the head of the O.T.O. while holding the rank of 33rd degree Mason should forever explode the myth that Freemasonry is a Christian organization. Crowley spoke openly and candidly about his Masonic honors.

"This view was confirmed when The Arcane Schools of John Yarker came to me for review. I wrote to the author, who recognized my title to the 33rd degree and conferred on me the grades of 95 degree Memphis and the 90 degree Mizraim. It seemed as if I had some how turned a tap. From this time on I lived in a perfect shower of diplomas, from Bucharest to Salt Lake City. I possess more exalted titles than I have ever been able to count. I am supposed to know more secret signs, tokens, passwords, grandwords, grips, and so on, than I could actually learn in a dozen lives. An elephant would break down under the insignia I am entitled to wear. (28)

In Aleister Crowley's book, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, he spoke with great admiration about the Royal Arch degree.

"I supposed myself to have reached the summit of success when I restored the Secret Word of the Royal Arch. In this case, tradition had preserved the Word almost intact. (29)

It is perfectly understandable that this hater of Christianity would love the Royal Arch degree of Freemasonry. In this degree, Freemasons blaspheme the God of the Bible by uniting God's name with pagan gods. The secret word of the Royal Arch that Crowley is referring to is :Jah-Bul-On. The Jah represents Jehovah, Bul represents the pagan god Ba'al, and On represents the Egyptian sun god. It is no wonder Crowley's Satanic heart jumped for joy when he was able to blaspheme the God of the Bible by uniting the true God with the pagan god, Baal to whom human children were sacrificed.

"they have also built the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My mind" (Jeremiah 19:5 NKJV)

The meaning of the secret word in the Royal Arch degree is confirmed by an excellent authority: the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, by Albert G. Mackey. Baal signifies Lord or Master and occurs several times in the Bible as a part of the names of various gods. Alone, the word applies to the sun-god, the supreme male deity of the Syro-Phoenician nations. For an account of his worship read First Kings xviii. With Jah and On, it has been introduced into the Royal Arch system as a representative of the Tetragrammation. . . .(30)

The O.T.O. describes itself as an organization that is dedicated to follow the doctrine of Crowley. THE ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (O.T.O.) is an Initiatic Body composed of men and women who have accepted the principles of The Book of the Law, which was transmitted through Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). . . .

"The Book is conceived to be a perfect transmission of the divine, freed from any defects of human interference. As such, it is a luminous vehicle of Truth that can serve as an infallible guide to human conduct . . . Aleister Crowley will at least be remembered as the greatest occult genius of the twentieth century . . . His influence on modern occultism is incalculable, penetrating every Western school. (31)

Any cult that follows the teachings of Crowley must be taken very seriously. The following quotes are from The Book of Law that the O .T.O. endorsed as a perfect transmission of the divine and a luminous vehicle of Truth that can serve as an infallible guide to human conduct.

"11. Worship me with fire & blood; worship me with swords & with spears. Let the woman be girt with a sword before me: let blood flow to my name. Trample down the Heathen; be upon them, o warrior, I will give y Petrovnaou of their flesh to eat 12. Sacrifice cattle, little and big: after a child . . . 24. The best blood is of the moon, monthly: then the fresh blood of a child, or dropping from the host of heaven: then of enemies; t hen of priest or of the worshippers: last of some beast, no matter what. . . . 51. With my Hawk's head I peck at the eyes of Jesus as he hangs upon the cross.... 60. There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt. (32 )

The following quotes from Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice will further prove our concern.

"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence (f.2) is the most satisfactory and suitable victim. . . .' But the bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best. (f.2. ....In the Sacrifice during Invocation, however, it may be said without fear of contradiction that the death of the victim should coincide with the supreme invocation.) (33)

Rosicrucian Society

As we continue our study of Freemasonry and the occult, we need to look at another secret order that has networked with Freemasonry for many years, the Rosicrucian Society. Much could be written about the various Rosicrucian orders and their relationship to the lodge, but for the purpose of our study we will be mentioning only one; the Rosicruciana in Anglia. One had to be at least a Master Mason to belong to this organization and it is of particular interest because the members of this secret order gave birth to yet another secret society, THE GOLDEN DAWN.

In some respects Westcott's Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a by-product of his connection with a Masonic 'Rosicrucian' fraternity called the Rosicrucian Society of England, also known as the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, or more familiarly as the Soc. Ros. Membership was confined to Master Masons. It was not a Masonic Lodge but an esoteric society of Freemasons who were interested in occultism, the Kabbalah in particular, and Masonic symbolism. (34)

All three of the original founders of the Golden Dawn were Freemasons: Dr. William Wynn Westcott, Dr. William Woodman, and S.L. MacGregor Mathers. As we shall see, the ties between the Golden Dawn and the Masonic lodge go much deeper than the fact that all were Freemasons. Dr. William Wynn Westcott's interests were occultism and Freemasonry. In order to practice ritual magic he established an occult secret society called the Golden Dawn in London in 1888. Since its founding it has been one of the most secretive and influential of all occult orders.

Madam Blavatsky was so excited about the existence of the Golden Dawn that she made an intriguing announcement calling the order 'The Hermetic Students of the G.D. in the Outer' in the June 1889 issue of her Theosophical periodical, Lucifer. (35)

World renown witches, Janet and Stewart Farrar, authors of A Witches Bible Compleat, give credit to the Freemasons of the Golden Dawn for the modern cult explosion that we are experiencing today. They state:

"It is generally agreed that the biggest single influence in the modern expansion of ritual magic, and the occult explosion in genera l, in the Western world, was the Golden Dawn. This magical fraternity, founded by Freemasons at the end of the 19th century, developed a complex ritual system with ten degrees of initiation relating to the Cabalistic Sephiroth. (36)

As our study progresses, we will see that these witches were extremely correct with those statements. Dr. William Robert Woodman, an eminent Freemason, was also one of the original founders that worked very hard to establish the Golden Dawn. He was a member of the Ros. Anglia, a Hebrew scholar and student of the Kabalah, and also wrote many occult manuscripts.

Dr. William Wynn Westcott

William Wynn Westcott was a London coroner who was forced to choose between his job and the Golden Dawn when the public became aware of his occult activities. Westcott chose to resign as head of the Golden Dawn (at least visibly.) Westcott translated the Sepher Yetzirah, a Cabalistic text, and also wrote a book titled, The Magical Mason.. This Golden Dawn founder belonged to a truly impressive list of occult organizations which gives us an idea of how these occult organizations network.

Wm. Wynn Westcott, an English Mason, appointed Junior Grand Deacon to the Grand Lodge of England in 1902 and the head of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and Golden Dawn, was also the Secretary of the Rite of Swedenborg, Knight Kadosch in Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites, Grand Standard Bearer, Royal Arch, Grand Lodge of England, and Regent of the Illuminati and on intimate terms with one of its founders, the German Theodore Reuss 33rd, 90th, 96th, degrees. (37)

Westcott also worked closely with Theodor Reuss, the head of the O.T.O.. Since their early existence, the O.T.O. and the Golden Dawn have maintained close ties. The father of modern Satanism, Aleister Crowley, was a member of both organizations.

S.L. MacGregor Mathers

The last of the original founders of the Golden Dawn that we will be discussing is S.L. MacGregor Mathers, who was heralded at the turn of the last century as the most powerful and gifted occult practitioner in the world. Mathers was initiated into Freemasonry on Oct. 4, 1877 and became a Master Mason on January 30, 1878.

Mathers took Aleister Crowley and taught him what he needed to know to go on to become the father of modern Satanism. All did not remain peaceful between Mathers and Crowley and as the rivalry increased they actually engaged in a war of Black Magic. Mathers would receive instructions from 'Secret Chiefs' whom Mathers claimed were human beings with superhuman powers.

Mathers wrote what was called Mathers Manifesto , a pledge of blind obedience to these 'Secret Chiefs'. The Manifesto stated:

"It was requisite that such a member should be one who, while having the necessary and peculiar educational basis of critical and profound occult archaeological knowledge, should at the same time be not only ready but willing to devote himself in every sense to a blind and unreasoning obedience to those Secret Chiefs;..(38)

"he must further pledge himself to obey in everything the commands of the aforesaid Secret Chief's 'perinde ac cadaver', body and soul, without question and without argument whether their commands related to magical action in the external world, or to psychic world, military action in the external world, or to psychic action in other worlds and planes, whether Angelic, spiritual or demonic . . .(39)

Mathers still influences the occult world today through his writings. Mathers wrote one of the classic books on the Kabbalah called, Kabbalah Unveiled. Mathers also translated two of the most influential books of magical spells, The Key of Solomon The King, and The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin, The Maji.

While Crowley was working the rituals of the Book of Abramelin he became possessed with his lifelong spirit guide (demon), Aiwass. The demon Aiwass dictated the truly satanic book, The Book of Law, to Crowley. We have previously studied some parts of that book in the information on the O.T.O.

Arthur Edward Waite

Another man who was initiated into the Golden Dawn at Mathers' home was Arthur Edward Waite. Waite proceeded to become a major force, not only in the occult world, but also in Freemasonry. Waite was praised by one of the greatest Masonic authorities of all time in one of the most popular Masonic books ever written, The Builders, by Joseph Fort Newton. The following is an excerpt of the tribute to A.E. Waite in The Builders:

"Perhaps the greatest student in this field of esoteric teaching and method, certainly the greatest now living, is Arthur Edward Waite, to whom it is a pleasure to pay tribute. (40)

Waite was more than a Freemason; he was an authority on Freemasonry and was the author of A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry. Waite is also the author of such occult titles as, The Book of Black Magic, and Devil Worship in France. The Book of Black Magic by Waite contains terrible conjurations given in the name of Satan and has spells to conjure Lucifer.

Another of Waite's book is called, The Holy Kabbalah, which states in its introduction, "For the Kabbalist the ultimate sacrament is the sexual act, carefully organized and sustained as the most perfect mystical trance. (41)

Perhaps you are beginning to realize the connections between the Golden Dawn and Freemasonry are many. The Golden Dawn was not only founded by Freemasons, but we can also document that in the early stages of the Golden Dawn it had a helping hand from the lodge. The fact can be established that the original Golden Dawn was allowed to use the Mark Masons' Hall to conduct rituals. They were given assistance by Masonic officials, but the lodge was careful that this knowledge didn't become public.

From the beginning, the ceremonies of Isis-Urania were conducted at Mark Masons' Hall in the Great Queen Street (now demolished), but members were careful not to embarrass the Masonic authorities, being told that they 'must not enter Mark Masons; Hall by the front door, but go under archway and down passage, entering by a door on the right'. (42)

One of the early members of the Golden Dawn, Maud Gonne MacBride, left the organization after finding out about the Masonic Connections of the order.

"Usually the G.D. held their ceremonies in the drawing-room of some member of the Order, but on one occasion I was summoned to an initiation ceremony of the Order in the Mark Masons' Hall in Euston Road. it set me thinking. If they met in a Free-Mason Hall, perhaps the G.D. was an esoteric side of Masonry. (43)

The Rituals of the Golden Dawn involved ritual magic and to be precise, they summoned and conversed with Demons! Nothing could be made any clearer than from reading an official account of their rituals by Israel Regardie.

"Yet, if there may arise an absolute necessity for working or conversing with a Spirit of evil nature, and that to retain him before thee without tormenting him, thou hast to employ the symbol of the Pentagram reversed . . .(44)

It is indeed hard to disagree with the conclusion of our witch experts, Janet and Stewart Farrar, when they stated that the biggest influence in the modern occult explosion has been the Freemasons of the Golden Dawn. The foundational works for Ritual Magic and Satanism are found in the writings of the men involved in the Golden Dawn. Anton Szandor LaVey, high priest of the Church of Satan gives credit to the Golden Dawn as the source of his satanic invocations found in the Satanic Bible. LaVey tells about his translations:

"I have presented my translation of the following calls with an archaic but Satanically correct unvarnishing of the translation employed by the Order of the Golden Dawn in the late Nineteenth Century....the Enochian Calls are the Satanic paeans of faith. (45)

What about the Farrars' own special field of expertise witchcraft? By now you can probably guess the answer. They definitely give credit to Freemasonry as one of the sources for the rituals of witchcraft. Doreen Valiente, in particular contributed much to the final version of Gardner's Book of Shadows, the unpublished body of rituals and Craft lore traditionally copied out by hand by every new Witch from his or her initiator's version.

There is no doubt that the New Forest coven's inherited rituals were fragmentary, and Gardner had set about making them into a workable whole by filling the gaps with material he regarded as suitable from other sources, such as Freemasonry, the writings of Aleister Crowley, and the odd Kipling poem. (46)

Witchcraft and Freemasonry

Many researchers of the occult have pointed out the similarities between the initiation ritual in Witchcraft and the Masonic initiation ritual. There are many other similarities between the two crafts that could be documented and compared. One reason for these similarities is the fact that both evolved from an obvious common source, the Ancient Mystery Religions. Another reason is the fact that some of the most powerful and influential witches of Modern times have been Freemasons.

Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders

According to the writings of a Shamani witch, Gwyn Gwynallen, even the very name Wicca, the name often given to modern Witchcraft, originated from the writings of the two Freemasonic witches Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders.

GWYN GWYNALLEN: Wicca, the name often given to modern Witchcraft, grew out of Great Britain from the writings of two people, Gerald Gardner and Alex Sanders.

Gardner was a Freemason and also a Lodge Master of the O.T.O. He enlisted help from his fellow O.T.O. member Aleister Crowley in the writing of his rituals. Gardner was known as a sado-masochist and the Gardenian school of Witchcraft is named after him. When Gardner revealed his involvement with witch cults in his 1954 publication, Witchcraft Today, he received a torrent of letters and within a few years covens were in operation all over England.

Alex Sanders was a Freemason and a black magickian and is also known as the founder of the Alexandrian school of Witchcraft which is noted for its use of sexual intercourse in the initiation rituals. These two branches of Witchcraft or paganism, [Gardenian and Alexandrian], to our minds, are Wiccan.(47)

Alex Sanders said he was initiated as a witch when he was seven years old by his grandmother who was a witch . . . she had him stand

nude in a circle with his head down. She took a sharp razor, cut his scrotum to make it bleed slightly, and declared him a witch . . . a third degree, and . . . a black magickian. (48)

Eliphas Levi

Any survey of the history of the relationship between Freemasonry and other occult orders would be incomplete without making mention of the master Freemason, occultist Eliphas Levi. Professor Carl Raschke of the University of Denver does an excellent job of expressing the importance of Eliphas Levi to the occult explosion.

Nearly a century before Crowley, around the middle of the nineteenth century, there rose to fame in France a renegade Catholic rector called Alphonse Constant, who changed his name to Eliphas Levi. Levi was considered the Michelangelo of the suppressed traditions of black magic in the Christian West. (49)

The French occultist Alphonse-Louis Constant (a.k.a. Eliphas Levi), who influenced twentieth-century Satanism considerably, bought almost completely into the thesis that Templars were diabolists. And his engraving of the Templar idol Baphomet has become a classic article of iconography for today's black magicians, a sort of Satanist Mona Lisa. (50)

Levi's engraving of the Baphomet which was called the 'Satanist Mona Lisa' by professor Raschke.

Illustration of Baphomet.(51)

Eliphas Levi, translated by A.E. Waite, Transcendental MAGIC, Samuel Weiser, Inc., p. 186.

The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey explains how important this picture is to Satanists.

The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, The Goat of a Thousand Young. The Black goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, The Scapegoat . Baphomet represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat...The symbol of Baphomet is placed on the wall above the altar. (52)

The occult researcher, Michael Howard, comments on the symbolism of Levi's pantheistic idol, Baphomet, in his book, The Occult Conspiracy.

"In Levi's illustration, Baphomet is a goat-headed figure with androgynous features who sits on a cube. A torch blazes between the goat's horns which represents cosmic intelligence and spiritual illumination. In occult tradition, Lucifer, who is regarded by the Church as the devil is called the light-bringer because he grants his disciples spiritual illumination through incarnation on the physical plane. (53)

Albert Pike and Eliphas Levi

Eliphas Levi became a Freemason on March 14, 1861, and authored many books that have become classics in occult literature. Many more things than we have already shared could be said about Eliphas Levi, but the information we are dwelling on here is the Luciferian doctrine that Levi passed on to another Freemason of great repute, Albert Pike.

Pike was the Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite from 1859-1891 and is called by many the most powerful and influential American Mason of all time. His book, Morals and Dogma, which was published by the Supreme Council is still a Masonic classic of great impact. Levi thought of Lucifer not as a person, but as a force; the pantheistic god of the New Age movement, the great magical agent that could be used for good or evil. He explains:

"They have said that the Great Magical Agent - accurately termed Lucifer because it is the vehicle of light and the receptacle of all forms is a mediating force diffused throughout creation; (54)

In the Luciferian doctrine of Eliphas Levi, Satan and Lucifer were not evil in the craft sense, they were just another side of Levi's pantheistic god.

"Thus Satan is not the ruler of the realm of shadow, he is the agent of light behind a veil. He is of service to God, he performs God 's work: God has not rejected him, for he holds him still in his hand. . . . What is the Devil, then, in the final analysis? The Devil is God working evil. (55 )

This is the God of Star Wars, not a personal God, but just a force that can be used for good like Luke Skywalker, or can also be used for evil, like Darth Vader. Albert Pike teaches the same Luciferian doctrine in what is probably the most widely used and honored Masonic book of all time, Morals and Dogma.

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry. For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend. (56)

Most Freemasons don't know the passage above is a direct quote from page 161 of The History of Magic, by the master occultist Eliphas Levi. Albert Pike speaks once again about Lucifer the light-bearer in Morals and Dogma.

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not! (57)

Once again, few Freemasons realize that Albert Pike is quoting directly from page 36 of The History of Magic by Eliphas Levi. The fact that Albert Pike takes his Luciferian doctrine directly from the occultist Freemason Eliphas Levi can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Another one of Eliphas Levi's occult drawings is called 'the great symbol of Solomon.' This drawing from Eliphas Levi's book, Transcendental Magic, also portrayed the false idea that God has an evil side to him as well as a good side. It was explained as:

"The great Symbol of Solomon. The Double Triangle of Solomon, represented by the two Ancients of the Kabalah; the Macroprosopus and t he Microprosopus; the God of Light and the God of Reflections; of mercy and vengeance; the white Jehovah and the black Jehovah. (58)

Illustration of Great Symbol, of Solomon.

Eliphas Levi, translated by A.E. Waite,

Transcendental MAGIC, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1896, p.xii. (59)

The same drawing also appears in a recent book called, A Bridge to Light, published by the Supreme Council, 33rd degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction. Across from the drawing in that book is an explanation of who the snake represents that is surrounding the symbol. Speaking of the snake's true identity:

"It is the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal Agent, the Serpent devouring his own tail. (60)

What a blasphemy! What arrogance! Jesus said:

"Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost s hall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (Matthew 12:31-32 KJV )

We have read the explanation from A Bridge to Light concerning the snake around Levi's drawing of the white Jehovah and the black Jehovah, and the fact that the book claims the snake represents the Holy Spirit. We have told how the book is published by the Supreme

Council. How can any man that is a Christian support the distribution of such blasphemy? Such an idea is unthinkable!


Freemasonry is truly an organization that deceives good men. Many honorable men who are in the lodge actually believe that they belong to a Christian fraternal organization and nothing could be farther from the truth. As we have shown, All Freemasons are in the occult and down through the years, time after time, Masons have come together to organize other occult groups. There is most assuredly more to Freemasonry than most Freemasons realize. Thirty-third degree, Manly P. Hall, Masonry's greatest philosopher, gives us a true picture of Freemasonry:

"Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity, an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. . . . The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of free and accepted men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcanum arcanorum. . . . In each generation only a few are accepted into the inner sanctuary of the work, but these are veritable princes of truth, and their sainted names shall be remembered in future age together with the seers and prophets of the elder world. . . . They are dwellers upon the threshold of the innermost, masters of that secret doctrine which forms the invisible foundation of every great theological and rational institution. (61)

We have presented in a few brief pages a general review of the relationship between Freemasonry and the dark side of the occult world. We have documented the connections between Freemasons and the Illuminati, the New Age movement, the Theosophical Society, Satanism, the O.T.O., the Rosicrucian Society, the Golden Dawn, Witchcraft, the Egyptian Mystery Religions, many history making key people, and many famous Freemasons who were involved with these groups. Much more could have been said on this subject, but we believe what has been presented is sufficient enough to show the fact that Freemasons have played the leading roles in the 20th Century occult explosion.

This is a side of the Lodge that Masons don't like to talk about. However, it is a side that exists nonetheless. The Scripture admonishes us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers; and when a man can bow the knee at the Masonic altar and make the Freemasons that we have discussed in this chapter their lodge brothers, they have taken upon themselves the most unequal yoke that could ever be imagined.

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what path he that believeth with an infidel? And What agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. (II Corinthians 6:14-18 KJV)


1. Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 1976 G.& C. Merriam Co., p. 1560.

2. George H. Steinmetz, The Royal Arch Its Hidden Meaning, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Co., Inc. 1946, p. 147.

3. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, Avon Books 1972, p. 78.

4. John Robinson, A.M., Proofs of a Conspiracy, The Americanist Classics, Western Islands, 1798, p. 60.

5. Lynn F. Perkins, New Age Youth and Masonry, CSA Press, Publisher 1972, p. Dedication page.

6. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, The Theosophical Publishing House 1893, p. 446.

7. Ibid., 220

8. Joseph J. Carr, The Twisted Cross, Huntington House Inc. 1985, p. 282.

9. Manly P. Hall, The Phoenix, An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy, 1960 The Philosophical Research Society, p. 122.

10. Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy, The Christian Book Club of america 1933, p. 533.

11. Jerry Johnston, The Edge of Evil, Word Publishing, 1989, p. 136. (in interview with Joseph Carr, author of The Twisted Cross).

12. C. W. Leadbeater 33rd degree, The Hidden Life in Freemasonry, The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras India 1928, p. 336.

13. Ibid., p. 326.

14. Ibid., p. 334.

15. Alice A. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Lucis Publishing Company, New York 1957, p. 511.

16. Foster Bailey, Things To Come, Lucis Publishing Company, New York 1974, p. 108.

17. Ibid., p. 110.

18. Ibid., p. 122.

19. Ibid., p. 116.

20. Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Masonry, Lucis Press Ltd., London 1957, p. 109.

21. Aleister Crowley, Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects, Time-Life Books 1989, p. 118.

22. Aleister Crowley, Satanic Extracts, Black Lodge Publishing 1991, 4 Pledge, 5.

23. Kenneth Grant, Aleister Crowley & The Hidden God, Samuel Weiser): 174. (A footnote in this section says that the man the reference to is Theodor Reuss.)

24. Francis King, The Rites of Modern Occult Magic, The MacMillan Company 1970): 119.

25. Frater U. .D. ., Secrets of the German Sex Magicians, Llewellyn Publications 1991): 138.

26. Edited by Hymenaeus Beta X degree, The Equinox, Samuel Weiser 1990, Volume 3, No. 10, 205.

27. Frances King, The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O., Samuel Weiser 1973): 13.

28. John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Bantam Books): 684.

29. Ibid., 771.

30. Albert G. Mackey, Mackey's Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, The Masonic History Company, 1946): 130.

31. Edited by Hymenaeus Beta X degree, [Aleister Crowley TheMaster Therion], The Equinox, Samuel Weiser 1990, Volume 3, No. 10, p. 87.

32. Ibid., p. 39.40,42,43.

33. Aleister Crowley, Magick In Theory and Practice, Magickal childe Publishing, Inc. 1990, p. 95-96.

34. Ellic Howe, The Magicians of The Golden Dawn, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1972, p. 8.

35. Ibid., p. 47.

36. Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Life and Times of A Modern Witch, Phoenix Publishing Company, p. 121.

37. Lady Queenborough (Edith Starr Miller), Occult Theocracy, The Christian Book Club of America 1933, p. 298.

38. Israel Regardie, What You Should Know About The Golden Dawn, 1987 Falcon Press, p. 181.

39. Ibid., p. 182.

40. Joseph Fort Newton, The Builders, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1979, p. 57.

41. A.E. Waite, The Holy Kabbalah, University Books, Citadel Press introduction by Kenneth Rexroth, p. ix.

42. R. A. Gilbert, The Golden Dawn Companion, The Aquarian Press, p. 31.

43. Ellic Howe, The Magicians of The Golden Dawn, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1972, p.70.

44. Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn, 1990 Llewellyn Publications, p. 280.

45. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, Avon Books 1969, p. 155-156.

46. Janet and Stewart Farrar, The Life and Times of A Modern Witch, Phoenix Publishing Company, p. 23.

47. Larry Kahaner, Cults That Kill, Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime, Warner Books 1988, p. 98.

48. Ibid., p. 99.

49. Carl A. Raschke, Painted Black, Harper and Row 1990, p.37.

50. Ibid., p. 91.

51. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, Avon Books 1969, p. 139

52. Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Bible, Avon Books 1969, p. 136

53. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy, Secret Societies: Their Influence and Power in World History, Destiny Books 1989, p. 38.

54. Eliphas Levi, The History of Magic, Samuel Weiser 1913, p. 159.

55. Eliphas Levi, The Book of Splendours, The Inner Mysteries of Qabalism - Its relation ship to Freemasonry, Numerology & Tarot, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1973, p. 72.

56. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1871 L. H. Jenkins Inc., p. 102.

57. Ibid., p. 321.

58. Eliphas Levi, translated by A.E. Waite, Transcendental MAGIC, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1896, p. 161.

59. Illustration of Great Symbol of Solomon. Eliphas Levi, translated by A.E. Waite, Transcendental MAGIC, Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1896, p. xii.

60. Rex R. Hutchens, A Bridge To Light, The Supreme Council, 33degree Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Juris diction United States of America 1988, p.253.

61. Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Philosophical Research Society, Inc. 1984, p. 433


Southern Baptists and Freemasonry 2


by Ed Decker

While our Freemasonry Conference was in session, the talk was all about the ongoing study and eventual Southern Baptist Convention's denominational vote on Freemasonry. Called to do a fair study by the Convention a year earlier, the Home Missions Board appointed Dr. Gary Leazer to head up an unbiased review. It turned into a can of worms for everyone involved.

As things turned out, the report became somewhat tainted when it was discovered that Dr. Gary Leazer, the man in charge of the study, was getting "clandestine" help in its preparation from Masonic Friends.

A letter surfaced during the study, written by Leazer to one of the Masonic leaders, thanking him for all the help and making several depreciating remarks concerning those who were opposed to the Lodge. That letter had Leazer removed from his job as head of the study, but both Leazer and the report continued on at the HMB without correction. The report went to the floor of the convention as prepared by Leazer and his Masonic tutors.

Months after the vote was taken, in favor of the Masonic position, Dr. Leazer's obvious ties to the Lodge created a new stir within the denomination when a copy of a speech he had made at a Masonic gathering reached the wrong hands..

In the Columbus Dispatch, dated 11-6-93, Religious News Service writer, David Anderson reported,

"Larry Lewis, president of the Home Missions Board, said he requested Leazer's resignation for "Gross insubordination" following publication in October of a speech Leazer gave to a Masonic group.

Lewis said Leazer's Aug. 8 speech violated an order to "refrain from any and all involvement in the Freemasonry issue." Lewis told Baptist Press, the denomination's official news agency, he had accepted Leazer's resignation Oct. 22.

"He has clearly violated that directive and in doing so has demonstrated his unwillingness to submit to the authority of his supervisors, "Lewis said. Whether Baptists can also be members of a Masonic Lodge has been a volatile issue."

The Convention and the Vote: The afterglow

It's an amazing thing that after the smoke had all settled, the Freemasons declared a mighty victory at the SBC. In the August/93 Scottish Rite Journal, (pp. 3-6) The Grand Commander, C. Fred Kleinknecht, called the vote historic, saying, "this [vote was the] significant turning point for modern Freemasonry."

And well it might be. The Masonic Fraternity believes it has withstood its most severe challenge in more than a century.

To the shame of the SBC's commitment to Biblical standards, the Convention, by an overwhelming majority approved the report and recommendation on Freemasonry issued by the SBC Home Missions Board, which listed a number of things about Freemasonry that were compatible with Christianity and a number of things that were not. The report went on to say that membership in a Masonic order was the business of the individual, not the church.

The Masonic Grand Commander called it a great victory. He stated that by its vote, the SBC had "... joined Freemasonry in its elevation of individual conscience as the guide to personal beliefs and actions."

In a letter addressed to All Active Members, Deputies of the Supreme Council, Representatives and Secretaries, dated June 21, 1993, Kleinknecht again inferred that vote was a great victory for the craft. He stated:

"The Board's [Home Missions Board] report, based on a nearly year-long study by the SBC's Interfaith Witness Department, rejects the allegation that Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity and Southern Baptist Doctrine."

It sure sounded like a victory for the craft so far, but he mentioned

one problem a little further in his letter. He said, "Although the report contains 8 unjustified, we feel, specific criticisms of Freemasonry, it also includes several commendations of Freemasonry."

Let's back up just a hair. The Leazer affair proved without doubt that the Masons, themselves, were involved with the report and aided the man in charge of writing the report. Even then, they were unable to prevent the mention of some specific criticisms of Freemasonry.

Next, the Masons made an unprecedented push to get control of the Convention. The same Grand Commander wrote a letter to all those addressed above, plus the Editors of all Masonic Publications and said that "It is crucial that Masons who are Southern Baptists become messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention."

On the back of Kleinknecht's letter was a 12 step plan for every Baptist Mason to follow in getting to be a Messenger at the SBC. The Masons rallied as never before in their history. Only the Masons know what percent of the 17,800 Messengers were Masons.

Yet, in spite of the enormous efforts by the Masons, the report still listed a number of things so wrong with Freemasonry, that if they were reviewed in context of Biblical Christianity, no Christian could truly be a Mason. This is what they said:

The Eight Problems With Freemasonry

1. The prevalent use of offensive concepts, titles, and terms such as "Worshipful Master" for the leaders of the lodge; references to their buildings as "mosques," "shrines," or "temples"; and the use of such words as "Abaddon" and Jah-Bul-On," the so-called secret name of God. To many, these terms are not only offensive but sacrilegious.

2. The use of archaic, offensive rituals and so-called "bloody oaths" or "obligations," among those being that promised by the Entered Apprentice: [listed in original] or that of the Fellow Craft degree: [listed in original] Or that of the Master Mason: [listed in original] Or that of other advanced degrees with required rituals considered by many to be pagan and incompatible with Christian faith and practice.

Even though these oaths, obligations and rituals may or may not be taken seriously by the initiate, it is inappropriate for a Christian to "sincerely promise and swear," with a hand on the Holy Bible, any such promises or oaths, or to participate in any such pagan rituals.

3. The recommended readings in pursuance of advanced degrees, of religions and philosophies, which are undeniably pagan and/or occult, such as much of the writings of Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, Manly Hall, Rex Hutchins, W.L. Wilmhurst and other such authors; along with their works, such as Morals and Dogma, A Bridge to Light, An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and The Meaning of Masonry.

4. The reference to the Bible placed on the altar of the lodge as the "furniture of the lodge," comparing it to the square and compass rather than giving it the supreme place in the lodge.

5. The prevalent use of the term "light" which some may understand as a reference to salvation rather than knowledge or truth.

6. The implication that salvation may be attained by one's good works, implicit in the statement found in some

Masonic writings that "Masonry is continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct which is necessary to obtain admittance into the Celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides." (LA Monitor, page 79)

Even though many Masons understand that the "purity of life and conduct" can only be achieved through faith in Jesus Christ, others may be led to believe they can earn salvation by living a pure life with good conduct.

7. The heresy of Universalism (the belief all people will eventually be saved), which permeates the writings of many Masonic authors, which is a doctrine inconsistent with New Testament teaching.

8. The refusal of most lodges (although not all) to admit for membership African Americans.

(As reported by the Home Missions Board, SBC, 1350 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30367-5601)

On the positive side, the report commended the Masons for its many charitable endeavors, hospitals, burn centers. It acknowledged that many outstanding Christians and Southern Baptists now and in the past have been Masons.

They recognized that many of the tenets and teachings of some Grand Lodges could be considered compatible and supportive of the Christian faith and practice, such as a strong emphasis on honesty, integrity, industry and character and the insistence that every member believe in [a] God. The report then quoted a number of Biblical quotes from the Texas Monitor to show that there are some explicit references to the Christian faith.

However, the report cautioned that "To be sure, not all Grand Lodges affirm Christian Doctrine, and many do not declare Jesus as the unique Son of God; but many do, and for this we commend them."(Ibid.)

Their final statement concludes with this:

"We exhort Southern Baptists to prayerfully and carefully evaluate Freemasonry in the light of the Lordship of Christ, the teachings of the Scripture, and the findings of this report, as led by the Holy Spirit of God" (Ibid.)

And we say that if a Christian Mason truly did that he would honestly have to leave the Lodge.

Dr. James Holly is the President of Mission and Ministry to Men, 550 N. 10th Street, Beaumont, TX 77702. He has been God's man of the hour for the Southern Baptists. He has taken a strong stand time and again both as an official Messenger to the Convention, and as an individual member of the denomination. He has almost single-handedly brought this issue to the place where Freemasonry is being exposed as the terrible threat it truly is to the church.

Dr. Holly has been cursed, slandered and defamed for his efforts, but continues to demand that the HMB admit that the report was slanted and that the Convention vote was skewed in favor of the many Baptist Masons. He has continued to ask the SBC leaders to re-evaluate their stand. In a recent letter to the Home Mission Executive Committee, dated 2/9/94, He responded to a HMB Resolution justifying their SBC report.

"The Executive Committee's affirmation of its own actions is disingenuous. It was Dr. Lewis himself who said that the HMB was in a 'no win situation' in regard to the study of Freemasonry. It was Dr. Lewis himself who said that if the HMB found for the Lodge or if they found against the Lodge the HMB would lose money. The Executive Committee's praise of its own work rings hollow in the face of the obvious deficiencies of the HMB' handling of the study of Freemasonry...... the HMB's A Study of Freemasonry is not objective, scholarly or thorough."

Until the Southern Baptists take on this issue from a Biblical position and not a political one, the denomination will wallow in self destructive cover-up after cover-up. Pray that the Holy Spirit of God will break through the darkness in high places and set the SBC free.

(c) copyright 2001, Ed Decker

Contact Ed Decker at www.saintsalive.com