The Errors of the Emergent Church part 4 (revisited)

In this final session of the series Eric recaps and draws us to the only conclusion possible for biblical thinkers - that the Emergent Church movement really isn't Christianity at all. He summarizes that those leading this Postmodern redefinition of Christianity have taken the movement perilously outside the boundaries of orthodoxy into blatant apostasy endangering the eternal life of any who follow them. Instead of continuing in the faith as Paul exhorted his son in the faith, Timothy, to do, the Emergent movement has dismantled historic Christianity, left the Bible without doctrine or context, and inspired a spirit of rebellion among its followers. For authentic Believers, our task remains to lovingly refute and correct error and then to teach the truth whenever possible to a lost and corrupt world - including those who claim to be "Christian" inside the Emergent heresy.
Podcast: The Errors of the Emergent Church part 4 (revisited)