The Suicide of American Christianity

In this edition of Take A Stand! Radio, Eric Barger discusses the condition of American Christianity with author and talk show host, Mike LeMay, from Q90 FM in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Also included is Eric's warning about bold and blatantly satainic heavy metal artists now extolling the Antichrist.
LeMay's stellar, hard-hitting book, The Suicide of American Christianity, is simply "must reading" for anyone concerned about the spiritual dilemma facing true Bible-believers in 2013.
During the interview LeMay explains how an encounter with ultra-left preacher, Jim Wallace, became the genesis of his daily program, book, and ministry. Mike then outlines the perils facing leaders in our churches today and discuss how a growing variety of soft shell, easy, partial gospels have replaced the authentic biblical version. Both Barger and LeMay are concerned about the plight and struggle that pastors face who are intent on presenting the Gospel message intact amongst a church culture conditioned to hear only "feel good" messages drenched in the half baked "love gospel."
Also discussed, the demise of Christian education, the gay agenda and the root cause behind it all - a lack of reverence for the Word of God. Reach Mike LeMay at
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