Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 2: The Case from Science

Eric Barger, and his guest, Jay Seegert, of the Creation Education Center, continue discussing the creation vs. evolution debate.
In part two, Jay Seegert addresses the misconception that evolution is supported by infallible and numerous lines of evidence for all areas of science. But as Jay points out, this really isn't an academic issue or debate. Its really not about the facts and science. Its actually a spiritual issue.
Seegert also defines the very term "evolution," speaks to the issue of origins of the universe, and together with Eric Barger, debunks the popular yet misguided idea that an authentic Christian can believe in the theory of evolution and yet be true to New Testament Christianity and the claims of deity by Jesus Christ. Don't miss this fascinating and informative program on Take A Stand! Radio! Be sure to tune in or download it at www.ericbarger.com today!
podcast: Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 2: The Case from Science
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