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Entries in Podcast (158)


Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 4: The Origin of Life

In the final installment of the series, Eric's guest, Jay Seegert, of the Creation Education Center, addresses the most asked questions concerning the Creation-Evolution controversy including, "If God created the universe, who created God?", "What exactly is Carbon-14 dating?", "Is there life in outer space?", "Where do dinosaurs fit in the Bible?" and more.

Be sure to get our mobile app for IPhone and Android or click here to listen to Take A Stand! Radio! on demand anytime!

Podcast: Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 4: The Origin of Life


Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 3: The Origin of Life

In part three, Eric's guest, Jay Seegert, of the Creation Education Center, addresses the origin of life and species and obliterates the possibility that life came about through a process of natural selection (a mere accident). Seegert points out the incomplete and unscientific reasons that the majority of those in the scientific community have chosen evolution. Jay then adds dynamic and important insight as to why many scientists and educators have chosen natural explanations (chance) for the origin of life, while completely and purposely ignoring any suggestion of divine creation.

This is another important Take A Stand! Radio program to help you give answers concerning this bedrock issue.


Podcast: Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 3: The Origin of Life


Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 2: The Case From Science

Eric Barger, and his guest, Jay Seegert, of the Creation Education Center, continue discussing the creation vs. evolution debate.

In part two, Jay Seegert addresses the misconception that evolution is supported by infallible and numerous lines of evidence for all areas of science. But as Jay points out, this really isn't an academic issue or debate. Its really not about the facts and science. Its actually a spiritual issue.

Seegert also defines the very term "evolution," speaks to the issue of origins of the universe, and together with Eric Barger, debunks the popular yet misguided idea that an authentic Christian can believe in the theory of evolution and yet be true to New Testament Christianity and the claims of deity by Jesus Christ. Don't miss this fascinating and informative program on Take A Stand! Radio!  Be sure to listen or download today!

Podcast: Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 2: The Case From Science


Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 1 - The Authority of the Bible

Genesis 1:1 states: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

Most Christians would immediately agree with that statement but when challenged, many fall apart and fail to give an accurate defense of the Bible. Tragically, many give up and instead of digging in to find out why we believe what we believe, the Bible and its truths are compromised all because of intimidation and the fear of man.

So, if you’ve perceived the Creation/Evolution debate with trepidation or have seen the Genesis account as a sort of black hole then, Eric Barger, and his guest, Jay Seegert, of the Creation Education Center, have answers for you! Be sure to tune in or download part one of this new series!

Podcast: Understanding the Creation - Evolution Controversy part 1 - The Authority of the Bible


Middle East Events and Bible Prophecy part 3

Prophecy Morphs Into History - But Is There Hope?

Author, radio host, and end-times prophecy authority, Bill Salus, is again Eric's guest for the final part of this timely series.

What about a "Greater Israel?" How much land did God designate to ancient Israel? What happens after the war described in Psalm 83?

To aid our understanding of the days and events we are experiencing, Salus outlines the names of the ancient pagan nations and precisely who their modern day equivelents are.

Then, Bill and Eric end today's program with a reminder that there is only one answer for the turmoil of taking place in this world - Jesus Christ.

Listen on demand on your mobile device, or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm . Order materials relating to this series at www.ericbarger.com/tasstore/specials/salus.special.htm. Contact Bill Salus at www.prophecydepot.net.

Podcast: “Middle East Events – Bible Prophecy and the Last Days” part 3


Middle-East Events and Bible Prophecy part 2

Peace in the Middle-East?

Author, radio host, and recognized authority on Bible prophecy and end-time events, Bill Salus, is again Eric's guest for part two of this timely series.

Will Israel ever be defeated in the last days? The biblical answer is emphatically NO! Is there a possibility that rather than receding and shrinking, that Israel will actually expand its borders in the future? Is there Scripture that indicates so?

Don't miss this fascinating discussion of how current events are all forecast in God's guidebook - the Bible.

Also featured is part of the soundtrack of Salus' DVD presentation, "Israelestine."

Order materials relating to this series HERE. Listen on demand on your mobile device, or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm . Contact Bill Salus at www.prophecydepot.net.

Podcast: Middle-East Events and Bible Prophecy part 2


Middle-East Events and Bible Prophecy part 1

The Arab Spring and Witnessing in the Last Days

Author, radio host, and recognized authority on Bible prophecy and end-time events, Bill Salus, is Eric's guest.

Speaking of the current state of unrest in the Middle-East, Salus and Barger encourage every Christian to become familiar with the prophetic Scriptures found in God's Word. Both men point out that the study of prophecy is not "doom and gloom" as many bemoan. The fact is that ignorance is never bliss and God has given a gift to the Church that we may understand the days we live in. If we choose to ignore God's prophetic blueprint, we'll not be prepared to minister salvation and hope to the lost in the troubled days ahead.

Bill Salus states that "there is a special reward for us to be courageous as we go through these times." Just as Joshua and Caleb were rewarded, so shall it be for the Saints who study God's Word and take seriously the call to prepare their hearts..
Order materials relating to this series HERE. Contact Bill Salus at www.prophecydepot.net. Listen on demand on your mobile device, or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm.

Podcast: Middle East Events and Bible Prophecy part 1


The Submerging Church part 4

Pastor and filmmaker, Joe Schimmel, joins Eric and continues discussing his newest DVD project "The Submerging Church." Bringing the series to a climax, Joe meticulously unfolds very troubling information concerning the "worship leader" of the Emergent Church - Bono of the wildly popular rock group, U2.

Schimmel details Bono's affinity with the demonic as portrayed by author C.S. Lewis as well as the ungodly lifestyle he and his band display. Besides becoming a sort of statesman/spokesman for various causes and being seen with Presidents, Prime Ministers, and even the Pope, Bono and U2 have gained vast popularity among Christians over the past 3 decades. Those persuaded by occasional mentions of "Jesus" or "God," need to be aware that universalism, ecumenism, and globalism form Bono's unholy trinity as he leads the misfit Emergent's deeper into spiritual jeopardy - and away from biblical truth.

Listen to Take A Stand! Radio on demand on your mobile device or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm .

Order "The Submerging Church" DVD set (including a full 90 minutes on the Bono/U2 connection) by clicking here or calling 214-289-5244.

Listen on demand on your mobile device, or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm . Also find Joe Schimmel at www.goodfight.org.


Podcast: The Submerging Church part 4


The Submerging Church part 3

Eric interviews pastor and filmmaker, Joe Schimmel, in a continuing discussion of Joe's newest DVD project "The Submerging Church."

Don't miss any part of this series by two of Christendom's leading voices warning the Church about postmodernism and emergent heresy. Be sure to share this Take A Stand! Radio series with anyone lost in New Age thought or those traveling down the unbiblical Emergent road.

Listen on demand on your mobile device, or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm . Also find Joe Schimmel at www.goodfight.org.



podcast: The Submerging Church part 3


The Submerging Church part 2

Eric interviews pastor and filmmaker, Joe Schimmel, in a continuing discussion of Joe's newest DVD project "The Submerging Church."

In this segment, Schimmel and Barger detail more of the problems associated with the Emergent philosophy in the light of the familiar apologetics standard: Galatians 1:8-9. Joe and Eric also point out the bottom line of Emergent error which is that it leads people into a godless eternity.

Here Schimmel also outlines how one man profoundly effected Bill Hybels (Seeker Movement), Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Movement), and Brian McLaren (Emergent Movement) moving them - and thousands of their followers - in one troubling direction. That man was New Age mystic and management guru, the late Peter Drucker.

Don't miss any part of this series by two of Christendom's leading voices warning the Church about postmodernism and emergent heresy. Be sure to share this Take A Stand! Radio series with anyone lost in New Age thought or those traveling down the unbiblical Emergent road.

Listen on demand on your mobile device, or download the podcast at www.ericbarger.com/radio.archive.htm . Also find Joe Schimmel at www.goodfight.org.



Podcast: The Submerging Church part 2