When the Watchtower Knocks

Quick tips in reaching the Jehovah's Witness at your door
Twice in recent days Jehovah's Witnesses have knocked on my door. Let me share with you an extremely powerful set of passages which refute the Watchtower's assertion that Jesus is an angel.
Revelation 1:8 calls God the Father "The Alpha and Omega; the First and Last" (JW's will say "Amen!")
Next, in Revelation 1:17-18 one calling Himself "The First and the Last" states "I was dead but now live" Hummmm...interesting. Now ask: "When did God die?" They will begin to look nervous.
Finally, go to Revelation 22:12-16. This passage speaks of judgment and again the speaker calls Himself "The Alpha and Omega - The First and the Last" in verse 13. Have them read the passage aloud through verse 16 using the King James Version or if they insist, their "New World Translation (the 1984 NWT that I have leaves these passages in tact).
One cannot divorce Rev 22:12-15 from verse 16 where Jesus clearly calls Himself "The Alpha and Omega; the First and Last." So, there are either two firsts and two lasts or Jesus is indeed equal to and one with Jehovah and not the angel named Michael!
Though they may argue or, as they have done with me in the past, even run from your door keep in mind that a thoughtful, loving and uncompromising presentation of truth may result in another soul rescued from Satan's grasp! This is the kind of work our ministry is doing each week. Allow me to challenge you to do the same as we all work towards the goal of seeing the lost set free from cultic error.
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