Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses

by Natalie Pappas
Copyright 1997
So...you have finally decided NOW IS the time to learn what to say to the JWs who show up to your front doorstep.
Greet the JWs with a friendly smile, because they are usually very nice themselves. I can only say I have met only one unfriendly JW who has come to my door. 99% are going to smile back (after they have recovered from your friendliness that is). Most JW are met with a scowl and get the door slammed in the face. This encourages them into believing they are being persecuted. The word "persecuted" in the Greek means "to put to flight" to "drive away". Paul, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, was driven away and "put to flight" by getting stoned, and whipped, and beaten, and thrown into prison.
I have heard people say to allow the JWs to present what they wish to say, but I have not found this to work well. Oftentimes, as soon as they have said their message (which usually takes a couple of minutes to present); they are on their way to the next house, having done their duty at yours!
I like to keep a conversation going (and I can usually keep them here an hour or two), and the only way to do this is to break into their presentation by asking them if they mind if you ask *them* a question. By your asking the questions in a logical manner, you *can* control the conversation and direct it.
BUT, if you begin explaining everything, then you will lose them completely because the minute they stop talking, they stop thinking. In other words, if you present the Bible verses to them, they will not hear them. They are not capable of hearing them. They do not have the Holy Spirit living inside them to bring that understanding. BUT, if they read the verses, then the Holy Spirit *will* bring conviction (as John chapter 14 teaches).
So, break into their prepared speech and say, "May I ask you a question, please?" or "With your permission, may I ask a quick question?" They will of course say, "Yes, of course" or words to that effect. You have very quickly put an end to their sermonizing and now a REAL conversation can take place--one where you ask questions and they answer. It *is* a give and take.
Then ask, "May I ask you what gospel it is you are preaching this morning?"
This will stop them for a moment. I do not think any JW who has come to my door has heard that question before. While they are thinking about that, ask another quick question. Say, "The reason I ask is because the Bible says that there is only one gospel. Did you know that?" Before they can answer (and because YOU are asking questions, they have no choice BUT to be thinking--it is only when YOU start explaining that they turn you off--so do not explain anything. Let them come to their own conclusions by asking them questions. That is, after all, how Jesus did it.), ask again, "Do you have your Bible with you?"
You have just fired off four very important questions:
1. May I ask a quick question?
2. What gospel are you preaching?
3. Do you know there is only one gospel?
4. Do you have your Bible with you?
Practice in front of a mirror until you feel comfortable and are not nervous. I usually get a little jittery at first because I am always busy doing something else when they come knocking. I am usually praying silently during the first 30 seconds or so until I can break in and ask my first question. Then things just seem to flow after that.
Now, the New World Translation has been mistranslated in many places, but the places we will talk about are areas that are awkwardly translated, but are not necessarily heretical and will do just fine. Ask your new JW friend when he/she says that they do have their Bible with them, "Will you turn to Galatians chapter one and read the first 10 verses out loud?"
At this point, the one who was talking will probably look up the verses and read them out loud, but now the second one will assert himself after he finishes reading and take charge of answering the questions. The quicker the second one takes over the conversation, the newer the recruit standing beside him. That should be a big clue for you to direct your conversation to the newer recruit because when you are preaching the gospel, or rather, leading him/her through it, you may not see instant results from the one you are speaking with, but chances are you will see understanding and/or recognition in the new recruit's eyes.
The less indoctrinated they are, the less blinded they are by Satan’s lies. The reason the new recruit does the talking initially is so that they can practice telling others about their new belief system. The more he/she practices, the quicker he/she can absorb more of the JW teachings, and advance in the Organization. But the more mature JW always takes over the conversation if it looks to be going in a different direction than they had planned.
So, now the new recruit has read Galatians chapter one, verses 1-10, which has just stated VERY clearly that one is going to be ETERNALLY condemned if they believe a DIFFERENT Gospel. Now, at this point it might become very tempting into going into the Biblical teaching of hell (which they do not believe exists). But resist the temptation. There are a lot of places that teach about hell being an actual place, but THIS IS NOT IT. This only teaches condemnation. The Greek word for condemnation means, "a thing devoted to destruction". Those who preach a different gospel are DEVOTED to destruction--ETERNALLY.
Now, ask another question. Ask: Do you know where the Bible defines the gospel?
Chances are you will get a blank look. I always do. At this point, they might pull out a small brown covered book. This is the "Reasoning" book. But, unfortunately, they have not addressed this topic in that little brown book, OR any other. (I know because I have them all!) :) Not finding any answers, they will say, "The gospel is that the kingdom of God is near". Or you may not get an answer at all. In both cases, ask again, "Would you mind turning in your Bible to 1st Corinthians 15 and reading verses 1-11?
At this point, you have asked seven excellent questions. You have asked: 1. May I ask a quick question 2. What gospel are you preaching? 3. Do you know there is only one gospel? 4. Do you have your Bible with you? 5. Will you turn to Galatians chapter one and read the first 10 verses out loud?" 6. Do you know where the Bible defines the gospel? 7. Would you mind turning in your Bible to 1st Corinthians 15 and reading verses 1-11?
Now, it is very important that you direct your questions to the newer JW recruit, because, it has been my experience that the more mature JW will outright LIE to you in the next few questions. It is in your best interest to go to a second hand bookstore and look for the following book, which you can purchase for only a couple of dollars, "You too can live forever in Paradise on Earth". It is not advisable to pull this book out and prove what you are about to tell the JW--but it is important that you look at this for yourself so that if you are lied to, that you can stand your ground and say, "Oh yes it certainly DOES teach that!".
First Corinthians 15:3, 4 states that Jesus died for OUR sins (plural), died, and rose again on the third day. However, in the red book, "You can life forever in Paradise on Earth" it teaches that Jesus didn't die for OUR sins, but that he only paid for Adam's sin of eating the forbidden fruit. So basically, what is taught is that BECAUSE JWs believe Jesus died for ADAM'S sin, that NOW those who are GOOD-HEARTED (all loyal JWs and those who have not outright rejected the Organization) will get a SECOND chance to PROVE THEMSELVES *worthy* of eternal life in the 1000 year reign of Christ on a perfected earth.
This is in contrary to what the Bible teaches at John 3:16, that those who believe HAVE everlasting life, and 1st John 5:13, that one can KNOW they HAVE eternal life. But in the "Life Forever" book, page 61, paragraph 12, it says, "Yet, to make is POSSIBLE for us to gain everlasting life UNDER the RULE OF GOD's Kingdom, Jesus had to pour out his lifeblood in death." and on page 68, paragraph 28 it says, "To prove worthy of protection during this coming destruction, we must exercise faith in Jesus Christ. (John 3:36) We must become his disciples and submit to him as our heavenly King. Will you do that?"
The JWs do not believe that God's Kingdom has arrived yet. They might have even told you this earlier when you asked them what the Gospel was.
They believe that at any second Armageddon will happen and all those who are loyal to the Organization and all those who are good-hearted who have NOT rejected the Organization, will live through it--everyone else will die. Those who were good-hearted and loyal to the Organization will be resurrected and ONLY now can they REALLY prove themselves worthy of everlasting life. Where Adam failed, THEY will succeed (or die trying)!
If you understand their teachings on the END times, then you can be in a position to know which questions to ask them. Now, I personally would not go into depth with them on this, because then YOU are talking and they are not listening. But if you go through those pages in the Live Forever book, it should be clear to YOU that their teaching on Jesus' death for our sins is warped and DOES not measure up to 1st Corinthians 15:3,4 and you will be able to stand firm.
The second part of the gospel is that Jesus' body died. JWs do actually believe that Jesus' body died. The funny part is that they do not believe anybody has a "soul" that leaves the body at death. So when Jesus' body died, they believe his "soul" ceased to exist as well. So they ADD meaning to the Bible text that are not there. It does not state that Jesus' soul died. The context is speaking of a physical body. Jesus' physically hung on the cross (or as they prefer to call it, a "torture stake"). Ask your new JW friend,
+ Do you believe Jesus died for every one of your sins? That you are completely forgiven?
Chances are they will say, "Yes". Ask them:
+ Do you believe that you are only getting a chance for eternal life? Or do you know for sure you are saved?
They will admit to you that they do not know if they are saved or not--that only "Jehovah" knows this. Ask them,
+ Would you mind turning in your Bible and reading 1st John 5:13 out loud?
They will now read that the Bible teaches them that they can KNOW they have eternal life.
At this point, you have asked 9 excellent questions.
You have asked: 1. May I ask a quick question 2. What gospel are you preaching? 3. Do you know there is only 1 gospel? 4. Do you have your Bible with you? 5. Will you turn to Galatians, Chapter One and read the first 10 verses out loud?" 6. Do you know where the Bible defines the gospel? 7. Would you mind turning in your Bible to 1st Corinthians 15 and reading verses 1-11? 8. Do you believe that you are only getting a chance for eternal life? Or do you know for sure you are saved? 9. Would you mind turning in your Bible and reading 1st John 5:13 out loud?
And so far, you have only asked questions. You do NOT have to explain WHAT they believe. They KNOW what they believe. They are STILL the ones doing all of the talking, and they have to digest what they have been reading in their Bible. Little by little, all the strongholds they have had built up by the Organization are being torn down, piece by piece.
I would not get into a conversation regarding Soul Sleep at this time. Every person intimately knows within himself or herself that he or she will live with Christ forever or without Him forever. Now, jump to the third part of the gospel:
Question 10: Do you believe Jesus was resurrected?
This is going to pound the nail into the coffin because it is going to be apparent to even them that they are not preaching the correct gospel the Bible preaches. Not only do they not believe verses 3 and 4 of 1st Corinthians, but they would never admit that to people as they go door to door. Instead, they tell people about the "new revelation" that "Jesus returned invisibly and is now ruling from heaven invisibly". THAT is the gospel they preach. At least the Judiazers in the book of Galatians believed the gospel, even if they added onto the gospel with their works. The JWs do not even believe the gospel: they do not believe Jesus died for all their sins, they do not believe Jesus was resurrected either.
They believe that Jesus' body AND soul died and that only his soul was raised back to life (invisibly of course) and that he manifested a make-believe body so that he could deceive his disciples (and others) into believing that he was really alive again. When JWs say that they DO believe Jesus was resurrected, I ask:
Question 11: Do you REALLY believe Jesus' body came back to life?
This they will readily admit to not believing. They will say that Jesus only came back to life in a "spiritual" body. The problem with this view is that the word "spiritual body" is not in even ONE of the verses that describe Jesus' resurrection.
The word "resurrection" means "to stand up again". Verses 3 & 4 say that Jesus died for our sins; the context was his physical body. Verses 3 & 4 say that Jesus was buried. The context was his physical body. Verses 3&4 say that Jesus was resurrected. The context did not change anywhere--the context was STILL his physical body. (Can a spiritual body hang on a cross? Be buried in a tomb? Resurrect?)
Ask the JWs at your door: "Can a "spiritual body" hang on a cross? Pay for our sins? Be buried in a tomb?"
Here is a list of the questions so far:
1. May I ask a quick question 2. What gospel are you preaching? 3. Do you know there is only one gospel? 4. Do you have your Bible with you? 5. Will you turn to Galatians chapter one and read the first 10 verses out loud?" 6. Do you know where the Bible defines the gospel? 7. Would you mind turning in your Bible to 1st Corinthians 15 and reading verses 1-11? 8. Do you believe that you are only getting a chance for eternal life? Or do you know for sure you are saved? 9. Would you mind turning in your Bible and reading 1st John 5:13 out loud? 10. Do you believe Jesus was resurrected? 11. Can a "spiritual body" hang on a cross? Pay for our sins? Be buried in a tomb?
Next, ask Question 12: Is there anything in the context of these verses that would change the context from a bodily death to a spiritual death? A bodily burial to a spiritual burial? A bodily resurrection to a spiritual resurrection?
When they say no (and they do not DARE say yes to that--if so, ask them "Where?" And if they appeal to other verses, you say, "but those aren't the verses we were discussing".) Then ask:
Question 13: Did you know that Jesus himself prophesized that his resurrection would be bodily?
Question 14: When they look at you in amazement, ask them to please read John chapter 2:13-25.
This may be a good time to mention (as they are looking this up) how much you enjoy reading your Bible, how you can never read ENOUGH of the Bible, how much you appreciate their love of the Bible, to stand there with you and make sure of ALL things, and that you very much ADMIRE them for reading through the entire context, even if it is MANY, MANY verses.
Look over their shoulder and read along as they are reading. This will also give you an idea of how awkward their New World Translation really is: it is horribly rendered! BUT only one member of their translating committee had any training in the Koine Greek language, and only 2 years at that. It is hardly enough training to translate the Bible, but the passages that were mistranslated could easily be translated by any FIRST year Greek student. That gives an excellent indication that it was most likely a deliberate attempt to deceive others into believing a lie. Why? I think it is a money issue, myself. The WTB&TS owns some of the most expensive property in New York City and LOTS of it.
Now that they have read the disciples saying that by the temple being destroyed and rebuilt that Jesus meant his BODY--now ask them to please turn to John chapter 20, because the Apostle Thomas had an extremely hard time believing in the resurrection. He refused to believe until he had himself SEEN the nail marks in Jesus' hands, and the wound in His side. (Verses 24-29)
Now, ask Question 15: Would you please read John chapter 20 and read verses 24-29? Question 16: Was Jesus saying, "Here, Thomas, reach your finger and see my FAKE hands, my FAKE side?" Question 17: Is it in Jesus' character to be deceptive? Question 18: Can one be a perfect Savior and then turn around and be deceptive?
Now the JWs at your door have a great deal to contemplate on the way home but before they go ask them two more questions:
Question 19: Do you go door to door and preach the gospel as it is defined from the Bible? Question 20: Are you going to change the gospel you preach now when you go door to door?
So, either way they answer , thank them for coming to your door and ALSO thank them for the opportunity to preach the gospel and that you ALWAYS enjoy preaching the gospel every chance you get! Say something like, "I want to thank you for caring enough about my eternal future to come and talk to me about religious things. However, I want to thank you even more for the opportunity to share the Gospel with you and explain from the Bible where the Gospel is defined.
During this time of discussion, if they introduce a new topic, like the Trinity, or Hellfire, or Soul sleep, I have learned to say, "That's very interesting. I would like to talk about that in a little bit after we have covered this question over here first. Okay?" (Smile REAL big)
So, here again are the questions to ask:
1. May I ask a quick question?
2. What gospel are you preaching?
3. Do you know there is only one gospel?
4. Do you have your Bible with you?
5. Will you turn to Galatians chapter one and read the first 10 verses out loud?"
6. Do you know where the Bible defines the gospel?
7. Would you mind turning in your Bible to 1st Corinthians 15 and reading verses 1-11? 8. Do you believe that you are only getting a chance for eternal life? Or do you know for sure you are saved?
9. Would you mind turning in your Bible and reading 1st John 5:13 out loud?
10. Do you believe Jesus was resurrected?
11. Can a "spiritual body" hang on a cross? Pay for our sins? Be buried in a tomb?
12. Is there anything in the context of these verses that would change the context from a bodily death to a spiritual death? A bodily burial to a spiritual burial? A bodily resurrection to a spiritual resurrection?
13. Did you know that Jesus himself prophesied that his resurrection would be bodily? 14. Would you please read John chapter 2:13-25? Do you see how Jesus himself define and prophesy that his resurrection body would be physical?
15. Would you please read John chapter 20 and read verses 24-29?
16. Was Jesus saying, "Here, Thomas, reach your finger and see my FAKE hands, my FAKE side?"
17. Is it in Jesus' character to be deceptive?
18. Can one be a perfect Savior and then turn around and be deceptive?
19. Do you go door to door and preach the gospel as it is defined from the Bible?
20. Are you going to change the gospel you preach now when you go door to door?
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